
No, He does not mean "far inferior."

The lady driving 10 mph under the speed limit in the fast lane on her cell phone would like a word with you.

Eh, I'm not a hipster and I rarely wear sunglasses, but when I do they're as mirrorlike and aviator-esque as I can find.

I am mildly(?) fond of the new one....

Well, not the best timing for this article. I believe most state Legislatures ended session..2? 3 weeks ago?

Did you mean to piggyback Chevy Volt sales into that article or Tesla or is it just my sick brain messing with me? I could not find the relevance in Leaf sales over Volt sales in reference to Tesla overall sales.

My comment stands.

That guy was just being douchey, I wouldn't worry about it.

Hard to find Jeep parts? I have a 48' Cj2A that is just now really becoming difficult to find parts for. I have no idea what you are talking about with that point.

Sony also just broke a profit for the first time in...5 years? Much of it probably have to do with them selling almost 1.5 billion dollars in physical assets. Stockholders are also trying to pressure into breaking up and creating a entertainment solo operation worth 20% of the company. I think you may be over

I've always found when cops are typically nice they are REALLY nice. Just don't see it all that often on the roads.

I was thinking about the "futuristic" blacked out Ford Taurus' that the cops and RoboCop drove. Hah.

where/how do I find this video?

Hah, I'm just a youngin' but that has got to be Merle Haggard.

That man could also have limited capabilities in his other hand as well. Who knows? Maybe the Japanese Zero he just caught with a load of flak decided to try to land on him and the shrapnel from the explosion damaged the joints in his right arm. Who knows.

For all we know it could just be the code they use which allows the CPU to display how many more miles of battery charge a hybrid thinks it can supply full power to a vehicle. Just saying, allowing that you do in fact know full well, that hybrids are more then throwing a battery and an electric motor onto a fully

I'm a manager at a u-haul...I could end the comment right there. However, I don't know how many times I have gotten calls from people asking for a second key for a truck that they either lost the key to or locked the key in. I have not locked a key in a car since I was 17 (10 years for the record). If you're the dumb

I think I told my biggest lie when I let my cousin be bullied into submission by my aunt via car knowledge. I almost walked into the middle of a debate about a car's center of gravity. My aunt insisted her god awful heavy steel wheels(nickel plated) were better then my cousin's alloy wheels because the weight brought

I need more info on these labor costs. I am not aware of the industry standard for liquefying baby unicorns.

Dear god, I normally hate (not actually hate, just don't enjoy) Wanda Sykes. I found that to be hilarious.