
Yeah, 1.25". They can be class IIs though, which are rated to 3500 lbs. The smart car was a class I 2000lb max load. That being said the Smart car install was just for a single bike bike rack. If he wanted to haul a second bike he would probably need and transmission cooler, hah.

Have to be honest, while the suspension is a large issue. I think the jerry-rigged 5th wheel attachment they have pulled off is worse. Keep in mind the lightest rate 5th wheel I have seen is 8,000 pounds. So this redneck contraption is possibly a massive kinetic disaster waiting to happen.

Not difficult at all really. There are hitches available for Smart cars. I have personally put hitches on a GTO, mercedes C & E class.. those only stick out because they are a little odd. But quite a few accords, civics, cavaliers, taurus'.. I could go on.

It was my understanding that the Germans had commenced work on an aircraft carrier but Hitler decided to re-allocate the resources to faster "more initially effective" cruisers and that it never became much more then a skeleton.

Does getting into a fight (was not the aggressor and told the gentleman to leave me alone quite a few times actually) at a stripclub and then getting side-swiped by the asshole on my way home later count? Just to re-iterate that I am not a complete douche, the owner let me back in (I had finally ask said aggressor if

I blew the transmission out of my Monte Carlo about 5 or 6 weeks ago. My godmother has worked for a Chevrolet dealership since she was born so I called her up and told her what happened and she called me back later with some options. Well, I drove up to her dealership and she had everything in order for me. She handed