
Why does the word "Gamer" make me cringe so much nowadays?

Watch_Dogs delayed again confirmed!

instead of constantly comparing this game to its console and PC counterpart you should compare it to other Vita games, that is why your article isn't fair.

The Killzone series (at least 2 and beyond, also discluding Liberation) has amazing gunplay. There's this satisfying feeling you get from shooting enemies: they react realisticly, cry out in pain, and drop to the ground realisticly, with this great feeling of weight. I feel like I just offed some guy. And I'll admit,

Yeah! Play their game and don't pay them! What a hero. You're totally not a bad person.

I'm clearly the minority here, but this looks pretty badass.

Reminds me more of a new Mirrors Edge, with all those colors.

Looks pretty great as a whole, but the super-clean border here (compared to the discoloration and wear on the real thing) and the lack of tire marks just throws it off a little...

I really miss the good-old crazily exaggerated announcers in FPS games. What ever happened to those? Hell, whatever happened to the hectic online FPS games. We need a new Unreal Tournament so bad in UE4, to be honest.

Don't the evacuated players belong to the losing team?

You're even more pathetic than you think this guy is, for going out of your way to rag on a system and its owners. Guess what? When you troll like this, people are bound to get defensive. I have a vita, I don't even use remote play, and it's been worth it for the exclusives alone so far, to say nothing of cross-play

The vita is a good system, heck I own one. But the market is way too saturated with "Otaku pandering" and "Monster Hunter" clones. I love my niche JRPGs but some of the games for the system are niche for even the niche market. This is one of the reason why it's doing bad in the west. Every where you go it's another

I sincerely hope eventually people will realize how dumb games like this are and we'll get more quality titles on the app market. I have to hope it will happen eventually, it will probably just take several years.

Windows 8 is fine. It's just Windows 7 with additional options to do things.

Windows 8 is fine. Some tweaks here and there could be made otherwise it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

Saw the headline and thought, "stupid", watched the video and thought, "next team fortress"

Buy a golden box of nothing for $4.99 and get another box of nothing for free!

Forget that, apparently they announced that it's yet another portable game with always-online DRM and premium currency after buying the thing in the first place.