Video games are not movies. Movies tend to continue to be available digitally on modern platforms, whereas video games can vanish and die along with platforms they came on. Through emulators and .isos games can be kept playable for future generations to enjoy. Of course this doesn't apply to every single video game,…
Ubisoft is just trying to make sure that the few people actually able to run this game get the full cinematic 30 fps experience.
Yep, go to the settings app > Sound & Display > System Music [ON/OFF]
But... but I liked it!
And with the Tegra K1 android devices can have ShadowPlay as well!
Borderlands 2 isn't compatible with the PS TV though.
You're really concerened about the Vita's battery life? When are you ever going to play Minecraft for 5 hours (or more on the Vita 2000) straight without access to a charger?
What if the part that's making a loud noise is a speaker? :P
All my PC games came with a free current-gen upgrade, this shouldn't be news.
Ah, well the livestream is right on the frontpage of twitch's app & website.
There's a twitch app you know...
That's the eighth generation (PS4/XO/WiiU) though.
I'm just using the mods in that list in addition to some .ini file edits that pcgamingwiki recommended to improve the look of the water, that is all.
These are the mods I was using for those pictures, if that's what you're asking: