
I hear people died after drinking water...

Yeah, I mean come on! This water tech only looks great. That's just not good enough!

It runs mostly great for me (AMD FX6300, 8GB ram, Nvidia GTX 760 2GB), I get 35 - 60 fps on high settings at 1080p, however there are these weird frame drops where the game will quite often drop to 20 fps for half a second for some reason. It's not too bad though and the game looks great for me.

once you've downloaded the game you can launch uplay in an offline mode and play the game without a connection, of course you won't have access to any of the online stuff in the game then until you reconnect.

Why would Sony show Watch_Dogs gameplay after the game has been out for weeks? Yep, looks fake.

What 6 core processor do you have? Because if it's fairly recent I think getting a new GPU would be a better idea. (I have a n AMD FX6300 (6 x 3.5 GHz, can go up to 4.1 GHz if necessary), and it runs games just fine)

I hate to break it to you, but Cod 9 is old news. Blacks Ops 2 has been out for more than a year, CoD 11 is the next one.

What's difficult about Mirror's Edge? The game doesn't require much precision...

I kind of got stuck in that one as well, but eventually figured it out by accident.

I beat it in 70 minutes, maybe I was just lucky and didn't get stuck?

Now playing

I'm surprised no one has posted this video yet:

I'm going to go through the PS Store now and list all the PS Vita games I have played and liked:

The advantage the Vita has is that while many games are ports, in most cases it is the only platform these games are available on that is portable. Sure I could play many of the games I own for my Vita on my PC as well, but having them on Vita makes them much easier to pick up & play, and of course you can play them

The ammount of money I can spend on games is fairly limited, so I would say I'm fairly picky, yet somehow I have a massive library of Vita games. Surely it couldn't be because the system actually has loads of good games, right?

with that amazing VGA camera.

You must REALLY hate games if there's only 5 or 6 games you would touch on the Vita.

I replayed Mirror's Edge this weekend. The texture quality and baked lighting are starting to make the game look a little dated, but the art style is still fantastic.

the EU is getting the Sly Cooper HD collection on Vita this week

the longer you watch the more stressful it gets.

For those pointing it out: When I said that .gifs were disabled I was thinking of the wrong thing. I remember someone saying that .gifs for people's avatars were disabled and assumed that would apply for comments as well. Unfortunately I can no longer edit my original post, so yeah...