If you haven't touched your Vita since Grvity Rush you've missed a lot of great vita games. As people have already mentioned Tearaway and Killzone Mercenary are two excelent AAA exclusives and there's tons of smaller games to play between the big releases.
Personally I thought 2004 was the best. I want Assault mode back, that was fun as hell!
I hope this will run on Ultra settings, 1080p at 60 - 120fps like Battlefield 4 does on my GTX 760. ...not verry likely though.
I think what people are really asking for isn't so much smart AI as it is more active, varied AI.
This kind of reminds me of the Zone mode in Wipeout 2048 once you've passed ~Zone 60 (and are going Mach 1.5 or faster):
Can one blame him? He just copied the motion that Jeff showed him, assuming that that's what he meant by "dropping the mic", just like anyone else would have done who didn't know exactly what they were supposed to do.
I know, right? There are so many games less deserving to be on this list here that it's hard to believe this isn't on it. They only just knocked off Assassin's Creed Liberation? That game was TERRIBLE!
For the 6 months that I've had my FX6300 there's really not much I can say about it. It just works. For gaming there really isn't any reason to buy anything more expensive than that, spend the money you save on a better GPU instead.
I think it's pretty much guaranteed that enough people will buy and play it on PC that you won't have trouble finding a match even a year after the game's release.
No it isn't. The only thing worth noting is that you can't change the texture quality unless you're in the main main menu (the verry first main menu when you open the game).
I'd say the low FOV of many first person games on mobile devices could be one thing that makes people feel sick over longer periods of time.
I know, right? It would have made way more sense to have 60, 30 and 15 fps for that gif.
At the very least it should be Treyarch that's making it this year...