Apostrophes would have been really impressive. He could've started the article with a quotation or something.
Apostrophes would have been really impressive. He could've started the article with a quotation or something.
I think the fact that as a result he ended up as a well-paid celebrity with one of the funnest jobs in the world is probably decent consolation for not getting to ascend the Autocar employee ladder.
Exactly what I was going to post. This is the mothership of Hollywood stupidity.
Of course not. You're at perfect liberty to share the fruits of your expertise in armchair psychology with all of us.
That is to say, Rebecca O'Neal.
No, it's just taking a more circuitous route through the material. Its speed is constant.
Calling this article "black retro futurism" made you look absolutely ridiculous.
Congratulations! Here's your honorary degree in armchair psychology.
I was completely blown away by how unimpressive this was.
What a lot of incoherent waffle.
It makes such a mess when they do that.
...said the robots, as Dr. Nemmo pleaded in vain at their robot feet.
Because most Western countries don't have easy access to guns... I imagine slitting your own throat could be relatively quick and painless if you knew how to do it right.
Nnno. That's not what I said or implied. I just said that they are used to anti-scientific science shows. Is there anything about this statement that you actually disagree with, or do you just enjoy arguing on the internet?
So what you're telling me is that you can't tell the difference between
No, your comment is ridiculous. You make a ridiculous generalisation ("this represents all of America and everyone in it"), and then you complained that your generalisation is stupid. I never said anything remotely like that. You imagined a stupid comment into existence and then complained about how stupid it was.…
I didn't say or imply that America is "full of imbeciles". In fact you're the only one who said that.
Like I said before, I've had such experiences, and like I said before, it's not evidence. In fact I said before that I'd said this before.
The management of the Beeb has been tainted for sure, but whoever is responsible for its actual news output and factual programming is still doing their job properly.
...the sun does come up daily, yes, but that's not a real newspaper.