I mean trying to enact legislation that would mandate 50% of any university course has women enrolled, or 50% of all parents have the male staying at home.
I mean trying to enact legislation that would mandate 50% of any university course has women enrolled, or 50% of all parents have the male staying at home.
Do you want to talk to me like an adult or do you want to continue talking to me like an intentionally unhelpful and supercilious little kid? I'm happy to talk to you as the former, but if you keep being generally unpleasant I simply don't have any reason to continue this conversation.
I'm not sure I actually know what you're trying to say here. Give a couple of examples.
This was the part where you were supposed to show a counterexample. Duh.
I'm never sure what feminists want to achieve beyond legal equality.
They've been researching hardware for a few years now because of the lack of advances elsewhere. They've stepped up their criticism recently, presumably around the time they saw the new consoles.
No, Ancel is basically the guy who is responsible for Ubisoft existing. The original Rayman sold millions and got them off the ground.
...but this is an article written for people with a budget of $500. People with a budget of $500 do not have a budget of $2000. What on Earth is wrong with you?
All this talk of the next gen having a strong touchscreen component is boring the hell out of me. It's like they're trying to make the original Wii remote lightning strike twice... but this time it's just so uninspiring. Touchscreens are not going to revolutionise or even strongly change anything.
Xbox Cubed... clever.
If the first one is called 360 then it makes sense for the next one to be called 720. It could be anything of course, but 720 is the most 'obvious' guess. Please stop acting like a petulant kid.
"You propose doing a scientific study. Respectfully, that's stupid, we already know the answer".
Er... because 720 is 2 times 360.
Please examine your life.
Because Nintendo gave him no reason to suspect that this was the case, you insufferable fanboy apologist.
There's a "release Half-Life 3" countdown timer on his tablet which he has to reset every three minutes or so.
I think the guy who thinks the sequels will be dictated by fanfiction is the one who has some issues dealing with reality.
newsflash: if these new films want to declare fett dead, he's dead.
Technically it's wrong; you get an infinite unidirectional hallway if you do this in Portal, with only one colour of portal; here they're mirrored back and forth however, so the portal colours alternate.