
Maybe he meant ‘littoral savages’... have you SEEN what Daytona looks like after spring break?

Yeah, I’m a Yankee by birth but it does seem like the US South is one of the few places where you can generalize an entire people and for the most part get away with it without much issue. I’m not one of those PC Policers, but it does smell of double standard.

Still not as bad as FKN-1982

I would agree with that. I also love how his avatar is a “chill pill” when he himself is a bit far from it. Typical FP stuff.

Had they admitted it was all a lark that would be fine, but they swear up and down that it was all real. Parody is fine, but don’t try to pawn it off as truth. It would be like Top gear US going to England and everyone they talked to having horrid teeth, a posh accent, snobby demeanor, and a crippling tea habit. And

One thing no one likes, no matter where they are from, is arrogant ignorant outsiders who are obviously trying to be a**holes. Displaying those characteristics will cause conflict anywhere. The only difference, is what particular provocation is required to initiate the conflict.

Meh. You simply display your ignorance and prejudice. MLK and Faulkner, Shelby Foote... they all give lie to your claim. Tell me where you are from, and I am quite certain I can find some lovely examples of savages to compare to this lot.

You’re no prize yourself, pal.

I kind of thought the same thing, it was a great time to watch but it all reeked a bit too much of “Dukes of Hazard” with how a British person would imagine life in Alabama would be.

Literally Savages. “Literally” savages. Care to show us a picture of a literal savage?

Maybe they were just confused by geography, and thought they were in Oklahoma.

Yet your avatar is a chill pill, is that a reminder to yourself? I imagine you are from the enlightened north? I am from the south and I'm not offended by being called a savage, it just saddens me that your self righteousness is something you think so superior simply because of where you were birthed. I would much

I could never decide if this is under-punctuated - “Man-love rules, OK?” - or whether man love is OK at ruling, or rules that it is OK.

I was born in south Alabama. I lived in that state most of my life. So I am not just being a hater when I say this part of the episode reeked of staged stunt. For one south Alabama isn’t rocky, it’s sandy. For another, I know how south Alabamians really are. They don’t throw rocks. They throw bullets. I should know, I

The UK is the same country that has a national crisis every time someone suggests one of the sub-national units (England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland) have more local control over mundane affairs.

Then petition your state government. It’s none of the federal government’s business.

Foreigners fail to understand how our union works. It’s none of the federal government’s business and if a state doesn’t want to have inspections, that’s their business.

Because 10th amendment?

Oh my G_d, it’s like a giant, angry, albino wolf-spider is skittering up behind your car!

No worries. If you are already skilled in backing up a trailer, you don’t have to order or use the feature. Once you touch the steering wheel, it turns off.

If you tow occasionally, then PTBA can be very useful and time saving. It may even save a few marriages.