
We're left waiting for the interesting question

Hmmm, the aspirations of a white man being undone by a wall? Some Story....

If you want to read articles about SL, just take the Wayback Machine back a freaking decade to when it was news.

“It’s a real shame to build something so beautiful and not let people inside.”

Man you guys will never fucking stop

You own a NHL team?

False. 24 hour time travel to the past is the best.

I’d fight you about it, but being invulnerable, you’d win. So I’ll insult your mother and fly away.

I play on a few beer league teams and this is my goddamn nightmare. My teammates make fun of my $30 kevlar socks. Maybe this will shut them up.

Honestly, I’m kind of annoyed by how often tatooine ends up as a major focus for a Star Wars game. I mean, I get that Luke and Anakin were from there, but they both got the hell off that planet as soon as they had a chance.

That’s the awkwardest line reading in the universe. He delivers it like he’s never used any of the individual words in the sentence before.

Now playing

to save you the trouble of googling it, commenters

Meanwhile, on Birdspin:

Get real. If you can’t appreciate a great play like this, of this absurd reaction and perfect stick placement - the details of which are only apparent when slowed down to 1 fps - then there’s something wrong with you, not hockey.

Shut the fuck up.

Sure can, and it fails to show a price anywhere on Steam or their official site. Since the game’s not out yet, I was thinking that the reviewer who played it might have some insight.

There’s only one Super Hot...

Sheogorath would be proud.

There is only one Skyrim mod you need...