
if the premiere league wants to be a world-class league it will need to accept the standards of other top leagues, such as mls, which have safe standing

Huh, given that you completed your masters thesis on this topic, you think you would know that the “disasters mentioned in this article” weren’t caused by standing sections. You also think you would reckon with the fact that many safe seating models do in fact give fans tickets to be in a specific place, that hooligan

Hey, we also have a burgeoning youth movement, with, uh, Jake Virtanen who is almost as good as Jack Skille already

Matt Harvey should have been Victor Zsasz because now I want someone to stab my eyes out.

I took it as half Joker half Bruce Wayne. Like “hey, I might not be the hero” or whatever.

I’m not saying I had to change my pants after that second one but I’m not not saying that either.

Thanks for stepping away from the gridiron for a few seconds to enlighten us, oh wise football sage. You fucking clown.

If he doesn’t want to get hit in the head, maybe he shouldn’t wear a helmet. He’s just asking for it when he’s dressed like that.

I look forward to the day when atheists can encounter religion without being total assholes about it.

I brought this up back when the game was first announced but I feel like it’s necessary to do it again.

haha, I think Sharmoota is Arabic for “asshole” or “son of a bitch”. Something like that. Im still bummed there was no single player DLC. I would have loved that

These guys are doing good work. I’ll be extra excited when they find any single player DLC!

Exposing your belly button to the Vacuum of space is how you turn you innie into an outie

It’s hard for me to go back to Nuka after experiencing the exotic flavor of Vim Captain’s Blend.

The actual movie costumes look like cosplay.

What a worthless fucking comment you’ve made... ;)

When this got a bigger reception than CoD.

At what point in the children’s game can we start physically attacking the other players for succeeding? I don’t know. That’s for the crying babies filling their diapers about it to decide I guess.

It says “Plan your vacation” and the park itself looks pretty huge. I was under the impression it would be a whole new area to explore. Probably not nearly as big as Far Harbor, but hopefully would contain more story-based missions than something like Automatron.

10 minutes in and Bethesda have knocked it out the fucking park. Already shown more than EA bothered to.