Woah holy shit, that sucks :/
Woah holy shit, that sucks :/
Wow...you just Reminded me that the only AAA-Games i played, that came out this year, were Bioshock Infinite and SimCity :l
It'll probably (hopefully!) be GTA V though :P
Ah, fellow countrymen :3
Of course :P
Thank you, for defending my favourite movie, kind sir !
So much this.
It worked on the second attempt, thanks
I live in Germany. Not a huge difference
Exactly ! Its such an "american" console, and thats why i dont bother buying it.
"I will pass on this One" pun intended ?
Damnit...i love the original XCOM and when this was announced, I was really, really, really excited.
Gary ? Gary !
I HAVENT bought payday 2 because of the heists in it.
Jeus >_> Everyone's waiting for the final trailer of what shapes up to be one of the greatest games ever made, and the first comment i see is this.
Exactly what joeyjoejoe said. Rihanna and such just fit with the people living in LS.
I think they'll be busy enough making new GTA Online content rather than expansion packs though
It's like they know better, and just do this shit to make us angry.
I...dont really think that GTA V will get standard DLC, like 5 new missions or something. Even GTA IV didnt have stuff like that, only proper expansion packs.
You havent even seen GTA V's >_>
I cant believe someone recommended your Post.