Part of me thinks the foursome (or someone) may set Asher up to take some fall and Bonnie will have to go up against Annalise to clear him.
Part of me thinks the foursome (or someone) may set Asher up to take some fall and Bonnie will have to go up against Annalise to clear him.
She's not quite old enough to be that brittle just yet but she is definitely going to be sore for a few days.
One of them was writing for Jalopnik at the time I wrote that.
I don't know, running through husbands didn't seem to hurt Zsa Zsa any. She ended with a clunker though.
Oh don't say that, I have a theory that Wes is her kid. Or Sam's kid. He's going to be someone important's kid.
Well they are still students. They'll be killing like pros in no time though, they have a magnificent teacher.
Thank you for helping to clear up that ending for me, I was a tired and wasn't sure what the hell I had just seen. I think I was thrown off by how absolutely evil she looked behind that desk.
Sorry! Completely wrong thread, don't how this happened. Please delete!
Thank you for helping to clear up that ending for me, I was a tired and wasn't sure what the hell I had just seen. I think I was thrown off by how absolutely evil she looked behind that desk.
My husband is the primary cook in our house, every day is pretty much Man Makes Dinner day. Special shout out to his Mother for raising him right and teaching him how to cook.
Korina is a sore loser but I do agree that she's a better designer than Char. Tim's save should have gone to Fade. Char's looks are awful and she only won the second battle against Korina because of Sean. But still, Korina needs to reign in her entitled, bitchy behavior. A little humility would suit her better.
A good friend of mine had dated this guy for a short time and slept with him a few times. They should have used protection because he ended up giving her a case of cervical warts. She tried to get a hold of him but he would just hang up on her. So I tried calling at him at his job thinking he might talk to me and he…
He's not the first contestant to do this, lots of people hunt for the doubles. He's just been very successful at it.
Buying my husband a fedora got him out of the dirty baseball hats he always wore. I don't care that they became a trend that people are now tired of, I much prefer them. Also, I like a man with manners. I like when they open the door for me. I like it when they take any steps at all to be a gentleman. In no way do…
Maybe we should just have all the men snipped and when they're ready to impregnate their good lady wives they can just have it reversed. That would help Rand snip his problems in the bud.
Ah, a joke. (Cough) bullshit (cough).
Yeah, I said to someone else that it's not a cool thing to do but they're not wrecking the home. The one cheating on the family is really the one doing it. The women wouldn't be doing it if the husband was saying no like he's supposed to.
It's cliche but true, no man is better than the wrong man.
I do agree that it's wrong to sleep with another woman's husband but they wouldn't be doing it if the husband was doing his job properly. I think men can fantasize all they want but you don't cheat. It doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you eat at home.
Yeah, it's pretty much the husbands who are wrecking the homes. It's not the other woman's job to keep him faithful to his wife, it's his job. If you want to shame anyone, shame the husband.