
Well yeah, when you get into these scenarios, things to tend to get tricky. Maybe since both Peters died, this Peter is rather just an entity that doesn't really have a universe or timeline that he belongs to, he's an independant agent so to speak. Maybe that's one reason for his "This isn't my fight" line.

In the 'Previously On Fringe' scenes, we see September say that 'the timeline has been rewritten'. I think this may be the two original universes but their story is just different. I don't think we're dealing with an additional universe, it's the same two but their history is different. Which makes it really

There is an August but it's not this one. Pretty sure.

I believe the Observer is September. And I would really like to know who the hell shot him and why.

It is but she's selling inappropriateness, it's her schtick.

I don't quite believe the allegations because this season doesn't really jibe at all with how she was last season. At least to me. So many things she says and does seem so contradictory, something just feels off about it.

Sadly my impression was that by leaving him she would have to leave the lifestyle as well and that's the reason she stayed.

Considering she was throwing $60,000 birthday parties, I'm guessing she could have left a lot sooner if she had really wanted to, if she felt she and her daughter were that threatened.

But going back further, the Inquisition, the Crusades. Religion seems to be the main reason people fight. Not much has changed.

It's my favorite line as well and I'm a bit sick that he felt the need to change it.

But I've always taken that point as how would people treat each other if you took religion out of the equation. Religion is one of the biggest reasons for war there's ever been, people fighting for their beliefs. I think Lennon was saying that imagine if there wasn't a religion guiding your choices. I hate that

I'm of that thought as well. A couple of years at least. But then I think about my Aunt and Uncle who knew each other about 3 weeks before they got married. They just celebrated 63 years together. Marriage is just a crap shoot really. And it's a lot of work that many just don't want to put the effort into. I

She reminds me of my Aunt who's about 4 foot 7. I always tell my Aunt that if she were any cuter I'd bronze her and put her on a charm bracelet.

Guys are all for bare breasts until you attach an actual baby to them, then it's icky. Well, she's only using them as they were intended to be used, they're not just there to hang tassles on.

I liked the Soldiers as well, I thought they were funny. "I'm respecting her as a woman" That was hilariously awesome! And the look on the one guy's face when he dares her to tell him something that make him think she'll actually shoot and she says "I'm looking for my children!", perfect!

I blubbed like a baby at the end, that means a good episode to me. When the Doctor said "he followed you home again" I just lost it. Yeah, stalking is usually creepy but can be sweet if the right person is doing it. It may not have been the best episode but it was super sweet and perfect for Christmas. And the

Yeah, I'm sure their clothes and stuff are made cheaply in some other country so yeah, there are those jobs, in whatever other country. After a quick browse I'm not seeing where their stuff is made.

I think Courtney is the reason Mia needs to weep.

I think the scene was suggested to have taken place the day of the party. If Adrienne knew of this a day or two before, why did she wait until Kyle was getting ready for her party to call? And the lost phone just seems a lame excuse. What a coinky dink.

I believe she came in as a friend or acquaintance of Adrienne's, she was the one who introduced Brandi to the group.