I can’t edit it now, the 15 minute window has passed.
The 690 is such a fun bike. Handles incredibly well thanks to the fuel tank being over the back wheel. More than enough power on the highway. Enough suspension travel and light enough that it’s not a total pig off road.
Heh. Cars pooping.
These are common people, the salt of the earth, the common clay of the New West, you know...
“Russian ship. Go fuck yourself!”
Yes my rock sliders have the most damage there.
As an avid off-roader I can affirm that putting the exhaust tips ahead of the rear wheels is an awful idea. That where the rock sliders go for a reason.
For fuxsake, “Pay it forward” at place where moderately affluent people order overpriced coffee from the comfort of their large SUV sounds comically pretentious and tone deaf, even during a time where virtue signalling for sport is common place.
Hallo Mr Torchinsky, why you say about my product? much designed to reducing the fuel and much save money on environment. Not everyone much can afford great Changli, even we all want one really bad a one! I decide to reduce fuel consumption very much! Thanks for my website, even you say things I know you enjoy about…
I got a strip of holographic mirrored tint that flares up when assholes behind me in a lifted truck or idiots running with the high beams are on. Quite fun watching them cycle through the lights to get it to stop reflecting in their face.
Christ! Whatever job you have isn’t worth it.
As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.
Could’ve been avoided if he’d simply made Alain change.
We know you already trailered this back to your parking lot house. Why even try to tease us?
A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.
It sounds like both you and Mr. Markuson have exquisite taste....
I was under the impression that a Hummer couldn’t get you pregnant.
Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.