
The last one is the best thing ever.

Eh, I disagree. You might as well say that Skyrim has a filler problem, or any Bethesda title.

Seriously, I'm playing through Dragon Age 2 for the first time right now.

Strange name, that "Gofuh Kyorself".

You are missing the point, I think. I am 100% agreeing with you.

I had a conversation with two cops last week at a protest. I asked them about a ton of things and this came up. They blamed so many issues on specific cops being less experienced and less mature. Basically, when a cop fucks up, it's because he's young and inexperienced. (? Ok. Sure?)

I'm sure someone's going to show up and say I hate cops, but...

Racism is a huge issue in the South. Also in the North, the East, and the West.

To me, this is a psychological trick white America plays with itself. In order to continue to delude itself that America is the best country, that we're just, that meritocracy is real and the American Dream exists, it will search for any and all reasons to pretend racism doesn't exist. Because once you admit it does,

Oh my god, I just had a conversation with an acquaintance of mine today about this.

Is it possible that people have just become so cynical and fatalistic that when they see somebody who performed a petty crime get killed they think "good" and it has nothing to do with race but just the fact that we've all thrown in the towel?

You need to add "while black" to every item on that list.

When you've decided you hate someone, the most trivial things about that person can piss you off. That's pretty much the core of racism. A racist white person would never wish ill will on another white person because they smoke weed, but they have a completely different standard when it comes to black people. That's

ugh i don't even have anything darkly witty to say. too much darkness and heartache. this is too correct and relevant.

"Her enslavement of the toad race. Her destruction of the patriarchy, leaving men only in working class positions." lol'd

Wow. So many people are defending this guy! Those were ridiculous non-answers (or answers to questions you didn't ask), plain and simple. He could have just said "I can't give you a direct answer to your questions/concerns right now, but please try out the PS Now Beta and be sure to give us your feedback". That

It'd have been pretty easy to say "yes, we're still working on that, but I can't give you any sort of timeframe" or "no, that's no longer in our plans" or even "well, maybe, I guess that depends on the level of interest we get from fans."

Both of those would at least be an answer, instead he decided to give an answer that wasn't asked.

How annoyingly evasive. This whole interview, the guy being interviewed just seems like he's hiding something, something that will illicit bad publicity that they don't want to admit yet so as to not tarnish the excitement for it.