ET2 would be so good.
ET2 would be so good.
So my yesterday went something like this. “Oh, hey, Dirty Bomb is in open beta! Nobody is talking about this game,…
I guess they were too expensive for Ubisoft to animate.
Word. There are so many land mines built into the average job interview it’s a wonder anyone gets hired.
Last night, the legendary purveyors of bread-and-cheese injection systems at Hot Pockets tweeted a photo of a bro…
Don’t forget about the Wolf Among Us. Damn thing got me hooked so deep I’m buying the comics now.
you lack a “???” step before your profit.
No he can’t, he’s a Pig.
Can he swing from a web?
Doing the things a spider pig does.
Spider pig? Spider pig.
I know this is cool, but honestly, my first thought was “There’s someone, somewhere, who is going to travel across the entire US (if not the world) playing Pac-Man. He’s going to wakka wakka across the world. And it’ll be some bizarre and amazing world record nobody will ever beat.”
And that thought made it better.