I wish more lego enthusiasts/geniuses would release basic instructions or at least piece lists for their stuff for us non-creative types D=
I wish more lego enthusiasts/geniuses would release basic instructions or at least piece lists for their stuff for us non-creative types D=
This Warhammer 40k diorama, made entirely from LEGO bricks, is just so fantastic. It makes me wonder: If these…
He's sick of a video game company talking about video games? You don't buy shares in Trojan and complain that all they talked about was dicks.
Are you a boy or a girl?
Between the games, anime, and strong fan-following, what can contain the behemoth that is the Pokémon franchise?
I believe the character was Mr. Raspberry Jam.
I accidently ran over a dog in GTA V, was that Lindsey lohan?
Wow it takes me a hour to Make the guy.
The world of GTA Online is a violent and unforgiving place. It is a realm of meaningless deadly violence – like…
I thought the traditional thing to do was to then give those unwanted alcoholic gifts to others... as unwanted alcoholic gifts.
Perhaps you should ask Dr. Nerdlove how to stop yourself from reading them.
these articles are the worst
This continues to be entertaining.
It's modeled after this lovable fellow.
Bit hard to ask someone their gender identity when they are unconscious.
Windows: Previously mentioned Virtual Router is the easiest way to create a Wi-Fi hotspot on Windows, but 7Tutorials…