That's attractive?
Some men, just want to watch the world burn...
So when do we begin wild speculation about Ghibli "connected universe" or am I late to that party?
Yeah, I gotta agree. This is PROBABLY a bad idea, especially if you're on this website at work. Unless you work for a company that you're sure doesn't track what you write on websites (like mine :D), than I'd say keep this type of conversation offline.
Same here. One nice sample I have in mind is Skyrim. I play it in either 3rd or 1st person but mostly on 3rd person so saying that, I prefer looking at a nice pair of a$$ than a dudes bum.
That's always been my honest excuse. If I'm going to be staring at ass for hours on end, it might as well be appealing to me which just so happens to be a female body and not a male.
if i'm gonna play a game that allows me to use the female gender. Definitely will choose female every time because i'm not looking at man butt for the next ~30 hrs..... don't judge me. ._.
You know, some of us really don't like playing dress-up with a dude character because of the inferiority complex that we have with "Oh wow, this guy has a 12-pack."
You completely missed just murdering each and every one of them.
Hello? Yes, this is dog.
Extra memory usage is worth it. Not seeing ads and lots of empty space is preferable to not having malware and spyware dropped on my machine. When the internet stops is current advertising schemes, then I will consider stopping using ABP. Until then, I will carry on.
Talk about hanging on a punchline. In May 2009, Twitter user @DrFNFurter started a joke, one that wasn't completed…
How about you (Rockstar) worry less about bong animations, and more on getting this up and running on PC.
I'm shocked "pay extra for this thing you already pay for" was a policy that survived this long
The timer on the side notes a "Rinoa Skip" which might be a glitch or something noteworthy enough that it saves a lot of time.
Took me over 72 hours when I first beat it back in February of 2000. Best FF ever, screw 7.