
I wish this was more than a short film. Kind of reminds me of "Chuck".


But as soon as you start putting together pieces of "Oh, the game would have been better if..." No. They playtested that plenty of times. Someone should have spoken up and said "CARRYING THE CHALICE SUCKS!"

IMO I think all the doubt in the world for Square-Enix began with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

"Oh no, there goes Tokyo! Go, Go Godzilla!" ♪

There are so many things off about this set that it's making me rage.
Green Lantern "space ships" are fueled by Green energy. No power ring / lantern, no power. Also - where in this set is GL's ring? I see GL's lantern, but no ring. Lego must REEEEEAAALLY hate GL. If The Lego Movie wasn't enough for dirt-roading, this

Homestar Runner isn't dead. They updated it less than 6 months ago. You could say it's "sleeping".

Megaupload was reinvented at to provide bit-layer encryption.

All roads lead to Rio. : )

Not Gandhi.

That comment came in like a wrecking ball... that was awful. I'll leave now.

That headlining .gif makes my butt cheeks clench up every time it loops.

I just searched this article for the string "Animal Crossing".
There were no results for "beating" Animal Crossing.

Now I want to change my Minecraft skin to Amuro Ray.

"You start to think about how Apple made their OS free, and how the operating system on an Xbox One is free..."

Gojira is much more satisfying to say.

I can appreciate your POV, but unfortunately all I can think about after viewing this is Dane Cook's bit on punching bees in the face... fuck bees.

For me, Devil May Cry 4 took away the $60 excitement of everything that came after. Best to wait until at least after seeing the finished product. I couldn't agree with you more.

This is the best analogy that I've read in a long time.

Praise Him! Praise Lord Helix!