
Every Time. Just as rewarding as the first.

The question still remains:


*Or 10 minutes in Minecraft.

In all seriousness, I'm glad you didn't post this yesterday.

This would absolutely make drinking beer from a can 50-100% less "white-trash". Even PBR, nonetheless.

I'm not sure if I've tried that before. But very sneaky, sir. =]

That's why forces uploaded zips & rars to be unpacked prior to making them available. Surprised that Dropbox hasn't forced the same thing.

Too thin. I am disappoint.

The downside - Having to hit ESC and Quit a race instead of reverting a save-state when Sebulba beats you.

♫♪ Everything is awesome! ♫♪

Have you ever wanted to be super saiyan so bad, you strapped bananas to your head?

Now playing

So no more "Gesticulate With Jack Tretton" videos?
I have no more excitement toward E3. Sad day indeed.

Floor is lava; train variant.

Everyone in this thread is correct.
But Fear Mage is more correct than everyone else.

Anarchy ≈ the best strategy

You think Chaos is your ally? You merely adopted the Chaos. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the Master Emerald until I was already a man. By then it was nothing to me but blinding!

Oh God, this kid's in for a rough childhood.

Hits ya' right in the feels.

Now playing

Because it should have been called
*drops mic | walks away*