
What is... I don't... I cant... huh!!?

Serious confusion.
Wow... that... that just fucked my head.

From what I have previously tested, if two 360's are using the same service, one device gets booted off. However, multiple PC's may stream while a single 360 has the service running. Unless this changed within the past 3-months.

Lol Nice-Guy Major Nelson

Can you remember the last time you actually used the Print Screen key? Or Caps Lock, or Insert, or, Pause Break? Most of us can't

Half & Half
What is this magic?

I'm aware of its use and Latin origin. All the same, I read it wrong at first-glance. I merely felt like sharing the mistake.

I think I need to stop visiting Gawker for awhile...

@ 2:34

You'd have to walk/run a marathon to make it up to the 4th Floor!

Looks other-worldly...
"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!"

Some of the best workspaces are ones where the users modded or completely DIYed themselves. Today's featured workspace sports a refinished desk top and custom built hutch—and some nice gear too.

When a spoiled, absent minded 7 yr-old loses their handheld, their parent buys them a new one. Why would Nintendo not capitalize on that?

Am I the only one thinking about Time Crisis when I see this font?

Kinja screengrab ruined it. :'(

♥ Nanami & Yuu Madobe ♥

No no, see it's clever because of the 3 D-words!!.... No... no it's not.

My God, he's back!

From what I remember, that's the only licker in the entire game. If you find the shotgun and kill it once and for all, everything else is a cakewalk in the police station.

OOOhhh No!
There goes Tokyo!
Go Go Godzilla!