How the hell are those sheets staying together. Those would easily tear.
How the hell are those sheets staying together. Those would easily tear.
Holy crap people, Intel never claimed this would replace HIGH END GPU needs. Calm the hell down. There's more to life then games, go figure it out!
Who's we? Overclocking is a such a small percentage of usage it's a non issue. This processor gives even more reason to upgrade from 1st gen or 2nd gen iX processors.
There's more to life then gaming. This proc widens the door to workstations with no discrete GPU card.
I'll wait for the 1.21 gigawatt version. Send that bitch back in time!!!
I used to put Styrofoam stuff in a pressure sterilizers. Cups, plates...they come out miniaturized.
"We're sorry! Service to this address is not currently available."
Same goes for anyone with their own email server. Hell, even a dummy can setup a free mail server at home. Star addressing makes sure gets to a single mailbox.
Wait...what? Sony makes more then TVs? Huh...
"How To Make Ice Cubes Shaped Like Tiny Baby Heads"
We need to start fining these companies left and right. 50% sounds good. That should take care of the national debt in a few years. Either that or our politicians will have enough money to invent cool shit like fly cars.
His skits are usually pretty funny but...that was not.
That's awesome! So when can I sign up for the $20,000+ procedure that no medical insurance company in their right mind would cover?
I bet more people have to worry about rotator cuff issues then shin splints.
While I agree with your main point....your main point has a flaw. Apple is heavily invested in power creation and is planning to MAKE at least 25MW of power for that facility.
No hamster wheel could ever take the brunt work force of Chuck Norris.
5MW, not 5mw.
So art plus engineering = Over-Engineering.
Then get 6 or 12.
I made a custom formed plastic insert for my sink. It worked great and only cost me about $50 in the end.