English will be the main spoken language, with Mandarin only used as curse words, generally when your spaceship (an 03-K64FF) breaks down.
English will be the main spoken language, with Mandarin only used as curse words, generally when your spaceship (an 03-K64FF) breaks down.
There are kits on the market that can repair damaged DNA for genotyping with very high recovery rates, so I dont think errors generated during storage will be an issue. Even so, most dsDNA if stored at proper concentrations in buffer can be kept in -20C freezers for years with little to no degradation.
San Diego actually. I've been told it's German
My last name is also the city I live in. Definitely turns a lot of heads, and comes with a lot of perks if people are wow'd enough by it :-P
They can't have a Jumping Shark when they just Penised The Table last week. I'm pretty sure its outlined in Alan Ball's contract.
I came expecting that the amputated hand was donated to science, where through a series of genetic therapy and stem cell applications they were able to get the hand to begin to regrow the fingers that never originally formed. That way the title would actually, you know, make sense...