
“Girls On Film” (the uncut version) was the racier one, dad!

This is powerful and moving and beautifully written - and a light for others struggling in the darkness. Thanks, Melissa.

And/or how strong her math skills are.

Please come back and alert us when someone is actually forbidden from praying.

Forget sitting or standing. As I approach middle-age, I find myself with a newfound respect for the French and their bidet thingie. For whatever reason, I’ve become kind of obsessed with the idea that a mere toilet paper-wipe post-bm is not enough.

I can’t tell if that dog wants to be there or if the person taking the picture is missing a face in the next shot.

And is on speaking terms with that of “gonif.”

Urg. Bobby, please stop making me imagine Jon Lovitz in any kind of sexual situation.

Ok, Mary.

Not surprising, just sad.

True. One of the “sex” questions on the OK Cupid profile asks if orgasms are the most important part of sex... a surprisingly high number of respondents tick the “yes” box.

Letter’s already been taken down, or link doesn’t work.

You’re being generous listing Lovitz in the middle.

At least Jay Leno as a sugar daddy would make sense in terms of the money involved. Jon Lovitz, tho?

Reggie Bush was rightly punished, but the case against USC was always a steaming pile. USC should have known who was making the mortgage payments on Reggie Bush’s parents’ home in San Diego County!? What horseshit.

Trump’s insights about women are basically on a level with Borat’s, it would seem.

... hanging outside their perpetually sticky clubhouse, Leonardo DiCaprio and his closest bros...

On the other hand, if she drinks 4 bottles of wine a day she may need someone to start sewing Garanimals match-tags on all her clothes. Poor thing.

Good luck getting a jury to convict someone who takes your phone out of your hands of assault.