
1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | sexual assaults.
• Law an act, criminal or tortious, that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he appeared in court charged with assault.
• a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an

Obama’s not even that liberal. He gets labeled that by his haters because a) they hate him and b) the scale of liberal-moderate-conservative in this country started getting pushed to the right under Bill Clinton and has never swung back.

Pffft, assault. Right. They’re getting new phones and a story they’ll tell for the rest of their lives. And maybe next time they’ll think before not-so-surreptitiously snapping flash pics of someone without asking first.

“... steal others things.”

Meh. Sounds like there were lots of dicks on the roof that night.

Pretty sure they should have replayed the point.


Thank you. #wordsmatter

Literally? Really? Literally?

Yes - or not to say anything and then fucking go do just what you said. As opposed to his responding to her (and Manziel) with, “I don’t know what to do” aka Keep Not Calm And Carry On, Johnny.

So if we point out all eight seasons of The Cosby Show are still available on Hulu will he take it back?

Bali > New Jersey

Apparently, Cosby has already been sick - and for some time.

Are you saying what happens there stays there?

Donald Trump, starring in Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor’s New Clothes, every day, for the rest of his life.

Given this guy’s predilections, I am Team “I didn’t do this” since “How could you do this?” would require him to actually think of someone other than himself for a minute.

So much this. It’s like when I had to explain to my freaking-out-former-Army-grunt brother that the suspension of “don’t ask, don’t tell” was unlikely to cause a surge of florists and hairdressers (using the worst stereotypes) into the military.

Wives cheating on their soldier husbands who are on deployment is just as common, unfortunately.

They do expect you to at least knock before opening the front door, however.

My mom, whose tastes don’t always jibe with my own, referenced Diane Rehm so often in conversations I felt I had to seek her out (she wasn’t on my local NPR station at the time). Mom was definitely right on this one.