She’s not exactly innocent in the don’t-talk-shit-about-your-ex department.
She’s not exactly innocent in the don’t-talk-shit-about-your-ex department.
Mehhhh, here today, gone Qatari.
As much as the money is a wonderful prize and life changing, he does get the great gratification.
So you’re only scanning articles at Maclife, Macworld, and Cult of Mac?
Impossible not to love someone named Jensen Ackles (who looks like that *ahem*), but I hope he never has to lip-sync for his life.
Assholes who drive on the shoulder of the road in traffic < x < ISIS
She would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot trip her every minute of her life.
I lived in Dallas in the early ‘90s and it seemed TX was a lot purpler then - and that was Dallas!
But what happened after you stopped reading the comments on every Yahoo News story?
Trippin’ - better?
“History is written to say, ‘It wasn’t our fault.’”
This makes being marched through town while an overzealous harridan rings a bell and screams, “Shame, shame” seem tame, tame by comparison.
They do it with ease. Any Old Testament stuff which looks universally ridiculous now - say forbidding the eating of certain foods (pork, shellfish, rabbit, etc.) OR wearing clothing woven from two different materials OR counseling slaves to obey their masters and serve them as they would serve Christ - they simply…
Two people were murdered on live television. Drama queen.
The piece comes courtesy of Vanity Fair via journo Nancy Jo Sales, whose work you likely know from her piece-turned-Sofia-Coppola movie, The Bling Ring.
... the more people stand against him, the more she perceives it as an affront to her and all that she’s done to make him a star...
Did her sister play soccer for the Lobos?
Like having a “dad bod” for example.
Does it also cause you to smell cigarette smoke in your house constantly, even though there’s no one smoking? ‘Cuz that’s the thing I’ve been experiencing for the past couple of months.