
Ack - why is it more Christ-like for her to wear her hair this way? This wouldn’t even fly with Supercuts Jesus.

Especially grad students.

Oh, I thought you meant literally casting stones at gay people. I’m sure that’s not off the table for all of them.

Yes! And I’m toooooootally using she-nima instead of “chick flick” from now on.

This ass-backwards approach to production isn’t limited to the video game world. The marketing department is now one of the loudest voices in the room at major motion picture studios in the discussions about whether to greenlight a project.

In amber?

Bobby Finger, YOU are America’s Sweetheart.

Is that Bill Hader’s lesser-known (evil) twin?

There was a great piece on NPR a few months ago about contemporary childhood and how parents are so freaked out because of all the horrible stories they see blasting out of the local news/online they assume dangers lurks on every corner, even though statistically kids are probably safer now than they ever have been.

Thanks so much for this. My mom’s bi-polar and an alcoholic and I’ve been a “middle ground” child for years now. I relocated from CA to NC last year, in an effort to be closer to pretty much every other member of the family other than her. I’m about 2.5 hours away and she has yet to visit me in my new home: she can’t

I’m approaching my 4th decade and haven’t felt the need to walk around armed at all times and haven’t suffered any consequences for that choice. That world seems pretty real to me.

Awesome, hoss, you walk around assuming everything would be better if the entire U.S. population was packing heat, all day, every day. Like I said, I don’t live in that world in my mind - and don’t intend to.

I’m armed anytime I’m awake anyways. My wife is as well, because two guns are better than one. A bit of self-preservation and lack of trust for people goes a long way in keeping yourself safe.

Yet assuming everyone is going to hurt you seems like a horrible way to move through life.

No, but her stylist should have.

Fuck the Benjamins; it’s all about the Andys.

I was just responding to your incredibly stupid question asking why the skit was set in southern football culture when pretty much everyone else had already figured that out and was ok with it, including a cast member from the show. By the way, an incredibly stupid question following the incredibly over-the-top OP

That’s irrelevant. The purpose of the skit was not a take-down of the FNL show, but a bigger picture target of some of the cultural values reflected in it. Artists frequently access popular cultural touchstones in order to make their points; comics look for the funny shit they can incorporate into those parodies.

And what was the purpose of staging it around southerners, texans, small towns, high school football players and they’re supporters?

Hmmm, the only notes I get on my Defender are ones asking to call if I ever want to sell it.