No it's not, but maybe you're that simple.
No it's not, but maybe you're that simple.
Uhhhh, you mean you better tell them that their days are numbered. We're on to you now.
But his not being fired for posting a pic of rabbits fucking was ok? So it's because it was dudes then - got it.
Hey asshole, your bigoted opinions are yours. I know it makes you feel less like a caveman to try and rope "most" straight males into your narrow-minded worldview, but unless you work for Pew Research, then fuck off with that shit.
I hope this is just some sort of anti-Jolie-filter at work here that causes you to read nth levels beyond what is known to have happened and not the way you process information in general.
Really? A friend of mine from high school lives there and says they practically roll the sidewalks up at night. He says the most popular nightlife option is weeknight church.
As long as you're not challenging his view of Orlando.
She should have started throwing out his beer earlier, apparently.
And say he regrets, "If you found it offensive."
No, I win because your original comment to Miss Ann Thrope was, apparently, completely baseless and you couldn't just admit that.
Weirder, then don't "reply" to someone who is only referencing Game of Thrones in which reply you try and correct other person's comment about Game of Thrones.
Umm, no, you didn't. You were replying to Miss Ann Thrope. Let's flash back, shall we?
... with women that are frequently half into it...
A sexual assault that occurred in the middle of a party full of witnesses who knew exactly what was going on but did nothing.
What are you implying about my efforts to fund my specialty garnish emporium,
That's two steaks to you.
Now you know the roadway to Big Texan echoes with the ghost moans of many others who have said that exact same thing.
I had something of a revelatory experience last week when I was riding the metro home from work and witnessed something that gave me an inkling of what women have to deal with probably all-too-frequently as part of their daily lives.
I would love to live in this house... if I still dropped acid.
In my cracked version of these United States, it's Amy Sedaris who is America's Sweetheart.