
"Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, and you should answer for your own hang-ups," she wrote.

Some Texas legal scholar and/or attorney, isn't locking the media out of the courtroom for sentencing a 1st Amendment violation?

And what about when she takes them to visit Grandpa?!

I'm willing to believe this is true at Fox News.

Oh yay, something else to fuel the fires of America's (imaginary) "War On Religion."

Love Macklemore and love this article - good stuff, Rebecca! I am a homo!

While my career focus is to be a great professional football coach, my number one priority has always been to be a protective husband and father to my wife and children.

Damn, so I got excited about trying Bioshock Infinite on Mac for no reason, I guess.

They also can't seem to broadcast a single football game without crediting one or more players with having "moxie" - that's gotten so old it sucks.

I've worked on sexual assault campaigns in college...

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This reminds me of a scene from Julia Sweeney's Letting Go of God which opens with her inviting a couple of Mormon missionaries who've knocked on her door into her home (the part where they explain the "gifts" God has given men, then women). I'll let her take it from there:

I grew up in Marion, 90 minutes southwest of Va Tech on 81, and moved to Los Angeles for college (and pretty much stayed). When I go back home to visit, people I bump into on the street speak to me like I've returned from a distant galaxy.

Although I've lived in California for years, Virginia's my home state and I still go back every year to see my family there. I was buoyed when they voted against being pulled back into The Stone Age yesterday. I was less thrilled by how close the margin was, considering Cuccinelli is from the

Oh, come on - he admits he's had a massive learning experience. Not just a regular learning experience.

You're correct. She was probably a "I'll go along so they don't all turn on me"-types but she was definitely not in Carrie's corner. That was the radiant Amy Irving.

Hopefully not heading for Fresno or Modesto or Stockton.

This is both informative and seriously fucking funny. I hope you can stomach all the grief you're taking from the hypersensitive types with their panties in a bunch.

I'm talking about The Washington Post, Slate, and other publications that zeroed in on the issue and blew it to national prominence to help their by lines and readership.

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Nice, but still not as cool as TGMBITHOTU...

Exactly, I don't care if you are gay or straight...the only people who really, really care? The marketing teams...