
This works on several levels.

"Who knows what actually happened in that argument between Ryan and Tebow?"

Wha?? When will he find time to circumcise babies?

Thank you. What a fucking waste of my morning.

What a load of horseshit. If film criticism isn't taken as seriously as it once was, it's because the marketing wizards at the studios figured out just how to find the true "hacks" who will trade credibility for swag or their names in the miniscule type that rushes by before you can read it after, "Critics are

"If you are anywhere in West Virginia, get out now."

Since Wittek at USC threw the ball directly to Te'o, who didn't even have to move to catch it, that was less interception, more reception.

At least you can say you were one of the first ones out of the gate with the dis. Good work!

Since we're casually throwing the term "idiot" around here, pot meet kettle. Many things can kill when wielded as weapons, but guns make it far easier to kill faster (crimes of passion) and to kill greater numbers of people. You may have noticed the term "mass shooting" in use far more often than the terms mass

Why don't people get that one's perspective on comedy is subjective?

"The disappointed reaction is not that this cover takes no risks, it's that it sends the message the game isn't going to take risks, either."

I think the intended receiver missed the route or something. Te'o was literally standing there facing the qb and had the ball thrown directly to him; he didn't even have to jump to catch it.

The USC-Notre Dame football rivalry matches two of the elite cfb programs in what is arguably the greatest intersectional rivalry in the sport. For that reason, the USC-Notre Dame game is far more significant than our rivalry with UCLA.

How about if the ball is thrown directly to the player, like Wittek did in the USC game?

But if she'd asked for Mac gaming suggestions, hoooooo boy.

You can't spell Sinema without e-m-a. My future GOP political consultant career looms!

Smarties are different colors but they all taste the same. What's up with that?!

Needs more Bioshock.

Whaaaaaaa? It's nothing like blaming the victim or suggesting a woman is asking for it - AT ALL. Did men harass and assault women before porn? Of course they did. Unlike you, I don't presume to have the answer. I'm just suggesting that when BOYS start viewing porn on computers at 12 years old or so and continue to

Not to one-up you but... one year at our family's Christmas Eve dinner I'd worked with my nieces and nephews (ages 4 to 12) so they could act it out as I read it aloud.