
The Gashlycrumb Tinies, now and forever!

Nothing as a society at this point, although I know parents who are doing things like not allowing students to have computers in the students' bedrooms until they're in high school (or later). I just think it's important to consider the potential impact, as I do think it's a revolutionary change in how many/most

I have more faith that adult males (most of them any way) can make that distinction. I'm not as sure 12-14 year-olds who are getting their first exposure to human sexual behavior through hard-core porn are sitting their analyzing it for its connection to reality. I think they're too busy just drooling and trying to

I learned about birth control in health class, or specifically, the 2-week sex ed. portion of health class. I had 117 questions afterwards, none of which I wanted to ask in class or of my parents, of course. I took a Human Sexuality class in college, though, and that taught me a lot.

I am not an anti-porn crusader. I just think that a lot of it is clearly aimed at a target demographic of stereotypical horny male who wants the fantasy the porn companies have conditioned him to want - i.e., the woman who swings by to drop off her resume for a job and ends up blowing him and taking his load on her

Your last sentence is exactly what I was going for so I'm glad I am not losing my mind - or at least not insofar as my post here.

I said in my first sentence it wasn't new. I still think we haven't fully grasped what the availability of hardcore online porn and hundreds of hours of watching it might do to help shape gender attitudes in pre-pubescent and adolescent males.

I can see how that might possibly alleviate sexual frustration for someone who has the other indicators to suggest he might actually sexually assault a woman. I'm more talking about a casually dismissive attitude toward women in terms of sexuality and sexual situations when pre-pubescent males are conditioned from

People still use "comedienne" in 2012?

Although this behavior has been going on ummm probably since God pulled a rib from Adam to make Eve (you get my point, fellow atheists), what about the influence of online porn in exponentially increasing the view some men have of women as sex objects? I still don't think we've fully comprehended as a society the

In terms of Azarenka's/Sharapova's wailing, you forgot that theirs are not just shriller and louder but longgggggggggggggggggggger, going far beyond the moment of contact with the ball (which is when, yes, some other female AND male players grunt/shriek/etc.) into an extended note-holding exercise from a vocal

"This section is not a sitting only section..."

1/2 the time? 50% of the time men aggressively approach you? Jesus. I ride the Purple and Gold lines several times a week and have had my share of freakish encounters - and in the summer it's worse because of all the mentally ill/homeless people who just park themselves on the metro for the a/c. I don't know about the

Ok, I'll bite. Where is the right place and when is the right time?

Chris Rock, you do! Love, Yoda

Maybe one of them cheated in which case you can channel your frustration at their breakup into online hostility and harassment, like the Twihards with Kristen Stewart or whoever the fck felt the need to make LeAnn Rimes the focal point of months of vitriol. There's nothing sad and creepy about that - nope, nothing at

"Had we been hanging people in effigy when George Bush was president, I would have hung him, no problem."

As opposed to most of the other private schools west of the Mississippi?

Nah, not so much. I actually tutor the SAT (and the ACT). Dumb kids don't get 2100, no matter how many lessons they buy.