Really?? Please explain how that works.
Really?? Please explain how that works.
If I was a woman forced to attend the GOP convention, I'm pretty sure drinking in the Lady Lounge would be my regular hangout/sanctuary.
Yeah, I'm older than that score range, too. They changed it in 2005. It's out of 2400 now - 800 Math, 800 Reading, 800 Writing.
Can I assume this possibility is being pimped by Ryan Seacrest Productions, the man/group/artist formerly known as the Keebler Elf factory which brought us the Kardashians (along with some truly awful dreck)?
Dude, you're old. USC hasn't been a "dumb rich kids" school for awhile now - unless dumb rich kids regularly hit 2100 on their SATs.
Oh, good lord. Wait until we see the surcharge for requesting lead human status in this centipedal data-sharing plan!
Are state trooper scandals a de riguer part of Southern politics?
Mary Fallin is pictured at an OU football game (I'm assuming) and she's carrying a pie as she walks across the field. The governor of the state, carrying a pie. It's like something out of the 1950s, except she wouldn't have been elected then since the feminist movement hadn't helped pave the way for her to - wait for…
Seriously, take your liberal elitist snobbery elsewhere!
Stick Tennis has already roped me in as I've purchased 2 add-on levels, World Domination (where you can take on 32 different male and female current and past tennis pros) and then the U.S. Open. On the free level, try and beat the club ace, Beacher - it's nigh impossible! I've almost punched my fist through my iPad2…
All in fun.
'Tis true, although they're no Mirado Black Warriors. Now that's a mf pencil.
Anyone who recognizes the superiority of the Dixon Ticonderoga pencil is noteworthy in my book.
So everyone named A(l)lan Carr is gay?
Since I'm already sick of Ryan Lochte (jeahhhh? joooooooo!) and I would have to be tied down à la Alex in A Clockwork Orange to ever watch that show, I fully support this idea.
Then my work here is done.
It was sorta kinda an homage.
As the ghost of Whitney Houston might point out, the ending might not be so adorable for the one falling asleep face first in the water bowl.