This still makes me laugh for so many reasons.
This still makes me laugh for so many reasons.
£5,000 for a winged B hood emblem? To be fair, if you're buying a new Bentley you're probably not going to notice this basically mandatory little guy on your options list, but it's still pretty eye watering for a 2 inch high mascot.
I haven't read the article yet, and I'm impressed with the amount of work here, but the answer is no. Just no. Case closed.
Timeless, but since it's brand new it hasn't really had time to age, let alone age well.
+1. But I'm biased.
Bam! The Mighty Morgan. This is the 2011 version of the +8.
I can't see a better answer anywhere on this thread. Including my own.
+1. Anyone who is bored by an E30 M3 has a heart of stone. Pearls before swine, as they say.
What other car has a body style that has been cool and effectively unchanged for more than 60 years? Even the 911 had to evolve more.
The Goddess
No traffic light even? Come on!
That Chuck Norris is an '03 Cobra
That more safety features in a car are necessarily better. Yes, they generally are, I think, but in terms of how they affect people's driving and their attitude towards cars and other traffic, there's a lot more nuance to this concept than the general public will admit. There's a difference between sensible…
I was going to post something about sign hacking or wet concrete or naked ladies or rumble strips or scenic overlooks, but, honestly, it has to be the radar speed limit sign. These things are frigging genius. In the same way that the vast majority of people will look at a crash involuntarily whilst driving by, the…
I mean, I know it's a trike and all, but How could I resist.
I always love the stories about the geeks who mod up their Priuses to make different fake engine noises, like a V8, diesel, the Jetsons' car, etc.
This guy stole a parade float and tried to sell it for scrap metal:
Team Eyesore Racing's Ghettocharged Miata. Top of the list.
+1. Slightly beyond the remit for this question but epic answer.