Alf Shot The FUD

I make a decent middle class income and have been on Mint for almost three years. Before that I was on Google Fi and before that Straight Talk. My friend who makes 25% more than me is also on Mint as is my very low income girlfriend. You can’t ASSume the income levels of people based on their phone service. (My friend

This is why I call this series “Madden Warfare.”

To be fair though, as demanding as Cameron is, he’s not some prima donna director sitting in Video Village yelling at people over the PA. He’s hands-on, frequently operating the camera himself, first to arrive, last to leave the set. He works his ass off and expects everyone else to do the same and sometimes the

“What are you going to do today, Michael?” The answer is always the same: “Be racist to white people and blame all of my problems on Whitey because he’s the Devil.”

I’ve had six straight Fusions and when they’re no longer available I don’t know what I’m going to do. The amount of room for cargo is amazing for a car its size.

Lick the hand of your white masters, Michael. Lick it and be loved. Keep ‘em down on the plantation and you will get to work in their house.

I bought the Digital Deluxe edition (same as they’re giving) on June 8 for $12, so you can imagine how happy I was to see this. I had no interest in the sportball game, but come on.

Kinberg has always tiptoed through the rain drops, catching the acclaim for the things he was marginally associated with and completely exonerated for the failure that should’ve stuck to him. Look at his CV and check who helmed the stuff that succeeded vs the stuff that failed. Weird how Neill Blomkamp made District 9

>”one of those rare outspokenly left-wing billionaires”

Q: How do know if someone is an atheist/vegan/Crossfitter?

A: Wait a few minutes and THEY’LL MAKE DAMN SURE TO TELL YOU!

I went into The Dark Knight knowing that something was going to happen with the pencil thanks to a set report in EW talking about the scene before its release. Even forewarned, I was still stunned by what transpired, reflexively recoiling in shock along with the whole audience as we collectively freaked out. I didn’t

It’s telling the sheer contempt that the author has for her readers that she blatantly lies, smears and indulges in her anti-Semitism (Shapiro being an yarmulke-wearing Orthodox Jew) by mischaracterizing Shapiro’s comments as if she was counting on no one actually listening to the embedded clip where his actual tone

Google is your friend. And she’s a he. Rejecting one’s penis and having everyone go along with your mental illness doesn’t change basic biology. Scarlet isn’t a heroine for feminism, but the latest attack on biological women who are now expected to go to the back of the culture bus as mentally ill men take their place

I have never bought Dylan’s story* because it requires us to believe that Woody Allen is the pedophile equivalent of a blunted-out stoner who only has ONE Dorito. Generally, pedos prey on many victims, but the knock on Woody has always been limited to exactly two items:

>”the return of the quinjet”

The thing that always bothered me about Troi on TNG was that they allowed her to play in the officers poker game. Who the heck in their right mind allows an empath who can sense the feels of aliens on another spaceship a seat at the table?!? “Yeah, they’re bluffing. Fold.” Only Data would be unreadable.

Or be named as a sexual harasser? I mean, Christopher Plummer’s badass and all, but as Drogon?

The movie was finished and Scott was finalizing the sound mix when word about Spacey hit. They’re shooting digitally and his editor has been cutting in the new footage nightly. Other than the blazing speed with which they’ve pulled this off, the effects will be minimal as long as Plummer doesn’t whiff his performance.

This is pure Leftist fear-mongering which relies on snowflakes knowing NOTHING about anything other than, “Capitalism is bad, mmmkay?” (Why people vote for Bernie Sanders while Venezuela is the latest example of socialism’s inability to not fail completely.)

10 years. 1 decade. 1/10th of a century. That’s how long the sad nerdgins have been sucking off “Lord GabeN” and finding some way to squeak, “HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!” into every damn Reddit post, appropos of nothing, completely forgiving the fact that the corpulent fat fucking liar, Gabe Newell, hasn’t even bothered to