
Thanks for breaking the comments.

Did we see the same trailer, Plunkmeister? Cause I just finished a RoboCop marathon today and this is looking pretty good to me.

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Ugh more bullshit on how when it happens to a male it's okay but not for a female because of "historical context" she's really discrediting her own message. It's not like admitting that man can be discriminated against too (and sometimes are) doesn't mean there isn't a problem with women in games. It's sort of like

Says who? Westerners?

Here's what an Indian judge who sat on the Axis war crimes tribunal had to say about war crimes:

You can't really compare the atrocities committed by the Nazi party with that of the tyranny of colonial Empires. Hitler suggested to the British, for example, a way to solve the "Indian problem." (This was actual advice that he thought was useful. He wanted Britain to ally with him.)

So... American Kirby is Hardcore?

I rather enjoyed the little forcefield drones in Cataclysm. The capture ship in HW2 was disappointing, especially compared to the ridiculous tactic of capturing all the enemy ships you can with salvage corvettes in the first.

Yeah but no one is looking forward to Chess 2 because it's not the same developer.

No way it'll be better than this classic:


Alright people! Lets not throw this opportunity away to talk about mashed potatoes!

Just shows you how easy it is to build a PC. Why in my day you had to fiddle with jumpers and bios and stuff. If you did it wrong there was the possibility of frying your CPU. Yeah. In my day...

Again, it has gone FAR beyond that now. People claiming that games inspired by MC are actually inspired by Infiniminer are just delusional.

And Infiniminer was just a clone of The Simpsons, because The Simpsons did EVERYTHING first, even those things it didn't.

"X is just a clone of Y" is a completely useless statement. There's approximately zero original games out there right now.

It seems that the first few episodes would have been better served as flashback episodes interspersed throughout the “Battle of Trost” arc like how the Mikasa origin episode was used. Instead, by putting these episodes at the beginning, it sets a false pace for the viewers and makes the major arc seem even longer and

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Thanks Ashcraft, you had to make me remember that:

Can we also have an honorable mentions post as well? You said yourself that some just barely didn't make the cut. Why not give those mods some spotlight as well? I didn't know about half these mods until this post so I'd love to learn about a couple more!

So! I had a NIGHTMARE putting this together, because I was trying to decide between like 50 of my favourite mods. As you can see, some excellent ones hit the cutting room floor.