Just take me out to space like Cid's Alpha Centauri did. THAT would be a fun expansion right there.
Thanks for posting this. Had this issue earlier today. It's all fine now. Everyone's fine. How are you?
On an unrelated note. I havn't been able to log into SC2 today because it says there is a regional error and maintenance needs to be done (I live in America). I only want to play the single player mission and I can't even log in.
As most people here are saying. 1,000 dollars is too much for this machine. But you really can't compare this to the $600 PS3 machine. The Xi3 does way more than just play games and movies. It is a computer that allows you to serf the web and write a book report. A better comparison would be next to a standard…
scratch that, looks like a string section with an electric bass guitar and various percussion instruments! Still awesome.
They have frikin symphony on stage! That is awesome!
Just checked it out on steam. I'm not into sim games (except for Civ) but if I were I'd give it a go! It looks awesome.
The first Zeno Clash was a zany FPS adventure game with mostly punching and kicking involved and a few light "gun"-like weapons. It's an FPS brawler. I enjoyed it a lot! Even the strangeness of the story was right up my ally! It's only fault was that it wasn't long enough (about five hours). This trailer really…
I'm a Baptist... and I respect the gumption for this author to write what he wrote. Though we may see our faith in Jesus differently, the bible is clear. It only takes faith in Christ to receive him. We can argue about the finer points of Christian faith once we all move on to the next life. Have a nice day.
It really depends how good you are and who you know. For me I earned a Music degree in Composition and Theory. Before that I had started late as a pianist taking lessons in high school, but I practiced hard and picked it up quick. I also just have a knack for teaching. Most of it is just following the book (I use…
As a piano teacher, music composer, and aspiring author my life has been moving in this direction for a few years.
How could I forget Deus Ex Revolution? A great game all around (minus boss fights of course) and this new update changes things! If GameInformer is backing it... well then my Nostalgia glands are tingling... and I'm cool with that!
Okay... after spending 50$ on a crappy game that went through developmental hell (Aliens: Colonial Marines) and as much as I love the Thief franchise... if this game is still crappy after too many years of development then DO NOT prey upon my nostalgia. Just let it die.
Western society went through a similar crisis many years ago. In the 1700s it was very normal in some places to do your business outside the window. One story even has a Frenchman visiting a home in England who found this idea so revolting that he asked for a pot to do his business in. The bemused mother of that…
I hope the old Relic team that first made Homeworld are able to purchase their baby.
Personally I sort of enjoyed the film. It was very pleasing to the eye... if not for the strange plot points and wonky character development I'd give it an almost perfect score. But collectively across the internet (where I've brows anyways) the movie is seen as a disappointment.
Such a waist all around! Aliens is so iconic in its dark and foreboding atmosphere... they should have stuck with that.
All I know is that I spent 50$ for this piece of a crap game on my PC. I've only played about an hour of it before giving up. It was a passionless mess of meh. The news articles that have come out of this have convinced me even more to keep my distance. This is sad because I remember the first AvP and how…