
Sounds cool! Sort of like Shadows of the Colossus but with less time to smell the roses.

I wish I could blame the president for this. I didn't vote for him, but I have to put the blame with Fox news and it's misdirection of data concerning games and violence. Voting parents of the previous generation are listening to their take on it. Obama is responding to all of this by officially putting the debate

Yeah... I'd never let my kids play that game, if I had any. I don't even play that one myself.

Yeah, in light of what everyone is saying here I'm sort of agreeing with that sentiment.

I completely agree. Such a law would make gun owners even more cautious and conscientious of who has access to their guns.

True, it appears that there are more than enough tools to help parents raise their kids in this media driven society. I just don't think many parents are aware of this. Biden seems to be suggesting that game companies do a better job of advertising these tools.

That's true. Yeah I guess we already have some games that allow for some control. And if I were a parent I would rather buy a game that is built from the ground up with my kid in mind. As adult gamer I'd rather play a game built up from the ground with me in mind.

I think that your kids will know that you cared enough about them to watch what they do. They may complain about it now but I'm sure you will see the fruit of your labor pay off.

My point still stands, over that decade we haven't had enough school shootings (this is a good things) to push a "do this and it will never happen again" button.

Yeah MK is a bad example. I hadn't realized it was a permanent censorship. I'm thinking more of a more individualized censorship controlled by the user.

You sound like a responsible parent. What's your secret? Caring? Never heard of that!

At least he isn't jumping on the band wagon. And his show of support in not doing so, will help educate the US parents so that we can focus on other things that do mater.

Yeah, I almost recommended it for a student... had to bite my lip. And I forgot about all the sex jokes. Blands is sort of like a Quentin Tarantino movie I guess. No kid should watch that movie.

Part of me agrees with your last statement. To a normal kid depictions of violence aren't seen as all that bad. My two year old nephew rams cars together and blows them up... no one taught him this he just does it for fun.

Forgot that other bit. Didn't even know about HL1.

I see books as more subjective to the reader that reads them. I can read about things as a kid and in my innocence have no clue what is going on. And to be fair now days if you write a book for kids it has to be checked and sealed for appropriate content in order to be sold in the children's section.

This conservative voter is impressed with Biden's take on the gaming issue. It would be nice for parents to have more control over games. This would also allow kids to play certain mature games. A kid I teach piano to is allowed to play Halo 4 becuase there is no human blood being shot up. If Borderlands 2 would

Well said.

I love King's Bounty: Legend on my Steam way too much... and I was all about twitch-based shooters. If I'm not careful I'll just go ahead and buy me some X-com Enemy Unknown!

I love King's Bounty: Legend on my Steam way too much... and I was all about twitch-based shooters. If I'm not careful I'll just go ahead and buy me some X-com Enemy Unknown!