Amazing game and this just made me want to go back and give it another run thru!...such a dang shame they won't be making a sequel, it was one of my favorite survival horror games ever.
Amazing game and this just made me want to go back and give it another run thru!...such a dang shame they won't be making a sequel, it was one of my favorite survival horror games ever.
Exactly. Good survival games are hard to come by, and the masses just cold shouldered a really good one... because it wasn't a typical FPS.
Criminally under-rated game, an unparallelled example of survival horror, due to the magic the Wii U gamepad is able to bring. It is too bad, it was so divisive. For any mature consumers considering a or owning a Wii U I strongly recommend, especially for the price it is going now. The game from start to finish is…
Oh, so what you're saying is that people didn't like it because it wasn't the genre they thought it would be, even though it never actually claimed to be that type of game?
Hopefully the film can get people interested to go try it out and enjoy it for what it is.
The big complaint was "It's a shooter where you have to use a bat most of the time!". Well, no. That's missing the point.
Zombi U was so underrated. I wish it sold better. It really deserves a series. Once you realized it was trying to do and it wasn't a run and gun shooter, you actually started to be careful and the tension was great. I particularly loved getting the crossbow later in the game and being able to retrieve what few…
You know, for as much flack as that cricket bat gets, it actually looks like a decent implementation of melee combat.
I've seen games try to do melee combat in games, but most of the times, it looks horrible. Either the swing doesn't come with enough force, animation is off, the sound is off, the impact on the enemy…
Agreed on the first point.
The game is titled "ZombiU". Not "ZombieU".
You know what I hate... people that leave just one sheet of paper left in the roll.
Admit it. You would brave the undead-filled streets for some toilet paper, too. Zombie apocalypse? Pfft.
Very cool and looks like they made a good effort. For all the zombie lovers out there here's a cool ZombiU video that came out yesterday to keep you in the mood.
Since it's Halloween and all, we thought you guys might like to check out this live action fan film 'The Real ZombieU'. It's a homage to ZombiU on the WiiU so it's perfect for Halloween.
That was pretty sweet, good job. We would love to have access to the YouTube space for our upcoming shorts, maybe we'll get access in the near future.
That was pretty sweet, good job. We would love to have access to the YouTube space for our upcoming shorts, maybe we'll get access in the near future.