
You are still making the mistake of conflating love of one’s country with a refusal to tolerate any criticism of one’s country. If a person loves their country, they should want it to be better. That means taking on flaws head on, not handwaving them because we pick a convenient metric and say that in THAT sense we’re

You literally quoted 2 different people.

I thought the Bran one was on purpose.And hilarious.

You say it like those aren’t valid concerns.

That is a bar so low it’s hard to see it as useful. I have a serious temper, and I’ve managed decades of losing it without informing people that I’ll see their demographic wiped from existence. Besides which, she would never have made any show of remorse if she had not been caught at it.

I’m delighted to learn how many of us have this association with the word. It kind of justifies this thread’s existence!

Where. Is. FELIX?

I like Westworld because it clearly ruminates on what consuming hyperviolence does to us.

I have gone this far in my life and had no clue that alcohol withdrawal could be fateful. I’m really impressed and grateful to his family for doing something so helpful to other people in the midst of their grief. This just keeps getting sadder.

It wasn’t even trendy for its moment in time! It was just [dog cocking head in confusion]

Honestly. I can’t even read them because I just imagine if it were my writing, and how this could only happen if I lost a bet with god.

It definitely seems to be part of the Pinterest-industrial complex. I never heard of a single one until let’s say the last three years.

Wow, this comment section is an impressive* collection of people who are completely willling to say, “Yes, black women, I know, I JUST DON’T CARE.”

Who is that exquisitely rude man at the end?

It’s doesn’t really matter, but I think it’s much likelier some combination of friends and the internet have helped her to know better.

ALSO Harry and MJ doing The Twist while making omelettes.

For real for real. There must have been more planned for Brona, Dr. Jekyll, Vanessa’s new homegirl AT A MINIMUM but everything just fizzled out.

This is so rude. I love you.

Back in his heyday, I would never have believed how much over-30 me would want to make out with him as a Troubled Cowboy

She had a near-death experience??? Because Jo indulged in EXACTLY the same kind of destructive anger and chose not to warn her about the rotten ice???