
It was a spectacularly awful thing to do, and sooooo out of proportion to what provoked her (not being allowed to tag along to the theater, classic little sis). But I would only say it’s unforgivable if she felt no actual remorse. We discover it traumatically, through Jo’s POV and that makes the pain so relatable. But

Honestly, even once you leave there’s still plenty you can do...although it does rely on a free and open internet, so eek. Antiblackness is still a problem in NE Asia, but not in the violent way that happens in the west. It can narrow job opportunities (ugh), but that would depend a lot on what kind of work you’re

In most contexts I would agree, but given the constant legislative effort to constrict reproductive autonymy, we should not try to protect the men in our lives from this story.

Yeah, it’s basically a bad game of Telephone. Like I’m not sure exactly what went wrong where, but...

I legitimately can’t stand Taylor Swift, but if I saw a similar bit of hers I’d grudgingly think “that’s nice” and keep it moving. The unwillingness to examine why this powerful need to detract from Beyonce’s work and her fans’ joy is telling.

Also, it’s extra appropriate because now we can pretend the bit in “Feelin’ Myself” goes “Changed the came when my scholarship dropped, know where you were when my scholarship popped”.

NB: THIS post adequately ID’s me as part of the hive. Not my ire when this scholarship was deemed “shitty”.

I could genuinely laugh at the original comment, at least she admitted her grudge upfront. But once anyone who doesn’t think this is a “shitty thing to do (??????) was branded a part of The Hive, NO.

I could write a good college essay on how Carrie Underwood being set as the bar Beyonce fails to reach inspired me to create that on the spot! Use it often and well.

Does the Cracker Institue for Fuckshit pay you every time you use the phrase “praise her work”, an obtuse framing that suits your own purpose (which you think is to righteously fight against the veneration of a pop star but is actually to disguise your disdain for a black woman doing objectively good/impressive

Dear salty commenters: Lemonade was a work of art comprising music, visual art, and poetry. She is literally asking students pursuing creative arts education to do scholarly work. If you think Beyonce needs college essays to simply feel good about herself, that speaks volumes about your own desperation to hate her.

Next year she should ask applicants to write about misogynoir, apparently.

Hahahahaha I wondered how the “All Beyonce does is shake her ass” crowd would find a way to hate on this.

Same except infinity months never partum. This might just easy me into the diet changes I’ve been knowing I need to make for ages...

There really wasn’t a bad performance on the entire show. I’ve never seen beautiful, wonderful Santiago Cabrera go full fuckboy before, it was jarring but in a good way!

This is true but I’m not sure it would warrant another 7 episodes. And anyway, at one point I feel like Madeleine really did try to tell him, and he stopped her. After that, we see Ed notice the drive-by, the awkward greeting, the staring. He’s shown as perceptive before. I think he knows. Then he’s indecisive about

We got their perspective- they know nothing but love to speculate wildly.

So.Many.Times in previous episodes, he slithered up behind her. I was so on edge waiting for it.

She hated the theme from the jump. I thought her outfit was a way of showing it.

I just want to say (because none of the recaps/comments I obsessively read seem to have mentioned) that even before he yanked her hair he was demonstrating multiple abusive behaviors. He’s been saying that he’s starting to dislike the time she spends with Madeline, and he “surprised” her by coming home in time to stop

This is already hilarious, but it’s really next level given your username.