Dee Tee

Remember, if you pray and the reimplanting fails, it’s because God wants you to sue the doctor for malpractice.

Interesting. You compare them to McDonalds, but I think they should be compared to the drug cartels we’ve invaded other countries over.


USAA has been my go to bank since I was an E-3. They keep their credit card interest rates VERY low compared to lots of other cards I’ve gotten. Instead of a separate department for military members, it’s the whole bank. Navy federal, Pentagon something or other, and other financial institutions are set up for us, and

Forget the batteries. I wouldn’t check a laptop in because of screen damage and theft concerns.

1) Don’t tell them.

That’s why you go for the AppleCare Card Plus X.

No no. It’s just proof they keep all the smart ones to themselves.

MSM’s a new one. 

It may not be what the country was founded on, but it’s definitely what the country was colonized on.  It was founded on being critical of your government and demanding flaws get fixed.  People who like the status quo (or think we’re as good as it gets) tend to not like boat rocking from introspection.

Send your farts to 555 Westwood lane.  Please use glass jars as plastic tends to foul them.

I had a buddy have that happen... 18-19 years ago? It was some parody Amish porn site (unless you’re really in to ankles). He got out of it by having them go to the website to prove it wasn’t porn.  I think it’s gone and replaced with the real thing. Very sad.

Until then, you can still go to

The first step is to recognize your overpriced crap is failing before the warranty is up. Apple products are so “perfect” that an unnerving amount of people think that they’re at fault, not the iWhatever.

I used to work at a cell phone store. It really happens with the zombies.

I’m curious how long they were going to sit on this if AMD and ARM didn’t start putting pressure on them.  Desktops are one thing, but game consoles and mobile/laptop are very important for the future.

You’re not going to convince anybody here. The best thing to do use the list as a reverse investment guide, take any money you make, and address the reasons why women seek abortions in the first place.

I’d start by getting pro-life people to think of invitro and other fertility methods as selfish. That’d help get more

I miss Japanese ramen.  A lot of places stand by their broth and get their noodles from somebody else.  The fancy places that make their own?  Great.  I used to love s certain udon shop for that.  Still, the toppings (wood ear mushrooms, for example) and broth (I miss Hakata style) really stood out more than the

The original was waaaaaay too deep in the uncanny valley.  

I guess we have to hope for 1332 for double damnation.

Alita and her eyes.  They changed them and fans were much happier.

The golden ring of hell.