
This gets me everytime.

Yeah! I’m so prize I won a happy!

How about 6’7” ?

Well, I’ve never thought of what happened to everyone. Then came Advent Children, and I couldn’t care less.

So, what’s the deal with the FFVII post credit scene? Midgar was a wound on the planet, and when the lifestream along with the White Materia took full steam on contrasting the Meteor, a good chunk of the city was destroyed and the Mako reactors became unstable. Thus Midgar became a huge ghost town.

“An open world game with a rich, powerful story, unlimited freedom, adrenalinic combat, a deep yet user-friendly crafting system, fast and satisfing gun fight, RPG features and a persistent world full of characters that act on their own!”

First question that came into my mind.

Go One! The horse is dead, but this doesn’t change the fact that Microsoft needs to beat it further!!!


It’s sad that somehow, everybody forgot X-zibit. It surely would be a better meme, in this case.

“Oh waifu, you so funny!!”

I’m a little more relieved by this news, I could not order the Pip-Boy edition but I have a OnePlus One so... the taste in my mouth is a little less bitter :)

I was f*cking 15 when I played this game. I played the f*cking sh*t out of it. And I’m waiting since f*cking 2006 this f*cking remake to play the sh*t out of it again in HD. Yes, this is a little fraction of what my f*cking hype is.

Thank you, seriously. We should simply close the topic, now.

That’s my simulator. Don’t laugh, I’m pretty serious about this.

We need this. I NEED THIS.

But this one has gathered public attention, therefore is doomed.


Took down in 3.. 2..

Dat Spawn.