So, you got a soft spot for doomed machines? (j/k, I'ma a Wii U owner too... amd I have a Vita. We both need help.)
So, you got a soft spot for doomed machines? (j/k, I'ma a Wii U owner too... amd I have a Vita. We both need help.)
She's good! I was expecting The Witcher, and I wasn't disappointed.
Maybe a little lore-breaking, but cool nonetheless!
This reminds me a lot the good old sketches on the D&D Player's Handbook (3rd edition)!
Ok, now we got multi-colored Shy Guys and multi-colored Yoshis, so my question is...
So, this goes hand in hand with this?
I was trying to find a clever way to express my feelings toward this gif, but you seem to have captured it better. And no, mine isn't an erection either.
Dat female Jason.
Clever. A little cynical, but really clever.
So, this makes us think that Mario has an artificial hand. Replace dogs with dices, and voilĂ !
We (in Italy) call it "calcio", which translates to "kick". :p
I've tried, but not seriously.