Another badge of merit for us, Italy! /sarcasm
Another badge of merit for us, Italy! /sarcasm
Yup. That's right.
That video sent to jail about 500 people, between people who upload it and people who watched it 'cause the girl was underage. The video was publicated by his then-boyfriend. I've never had the occasion of watching it, even when I was a little boy, and in some sense I'm glad that I never did. I'm sorry to be such a…
Perchè noi italiani adoriamo la Nutella :D
Awesome, there's no other word.
Oh yes! You're right! I need to play a little Lego with my son, instead of talking to a dickhead on the Internet! Thank you for the reminder! :D
To be fair, she's not that cute anyway. Sometimes I don't really understand how the logic of "meme-izing" works.
Cyclops are well known for their hallucinatory episodes.
You know, I've bought AE exclusively to play as Satsui No Hado Ryu and Oni. I love the shoto variations (Akuma/Gouki is my favourite) and I play SF since SFII came into my house in the shape of a SNES cartridge :D to each its own, I guess!
"Requiescat in pace, Sigma."
You're the One, my friend. The One who will end the War Of Thousand Gods.
In this video: Brown pants.
You've enraged some forgotten Babylonian vengeance god, by chance?
The only thing I can say is: