
Ex-junkie here-19 years sober. I’ll say the same thing here that I said on the NYT review of his book: this guy is most likely a junky and doesn’t know it, and the really sad part is that he’s getting paid to be a junky researcher and book-writer, which means he is going to keep doing drugs until it kills him. I don’t

I agree with many of his broader points, but his arguments/claims about heroin addicition and withdrawal (and the methodology he used to arrive there) are so woefully inaccurate and irresponsible as to be absurd. Using for a few days, and never intravenously, does not give an accurate understanding, let alone make one

Another way to spin this is that a third of the users of hard drugs will fall into a hellish spiral of addiction which they will have to fight for years to break free of and will cause untold damage to themselves and others in the process. But cool, you chase that dragon if it makes you feel like a rebel.

Destigmatizing seeking help if you wind up addicted = good.

70% of heroin and meth users are not addicts and only use those drugs recreationally with no negative impact on their lives?  Uh.  I’m gonna call 100% bullshit on this one.  

And this is the problem with the world today, and why people as a society needs to come up with a better way, capitalistic society does not work as well as people thought and it’s gonna come crashing down eventually.

It definitely feels like you are missing the point when a high ranking and PROBABLY high paying position he just gets hired based on clout, meanwhile there are probably lots of actual experienced people who need the money and job in this godforsaken job market. And if they are hiring without needing experience then

gagging until tears

agree with all you said and want to add that I was angered when I saw choking women wander into vanilla porn. I will not kink shame concenting adults but there’s been a rise in the number of people’s first sexual encounters involving the freakiest of things that they didn’t know they were in for. enough sexual assaults

Its been well established by scientists for a long time that humans are very sensitive to Pavlovian conditioning when it comes to sexual response. When we see/hear sexual content, we get aroused. If that sexual content is misogynistic, we get aroused. The same as we get aroused if what we are exposed to at this

I started having sex in 2009 when I was in college, late teens, for context. A not insignificant number of dudes would just start choking me without any discussion of boundaries, if I’d like that, etc. Like they had a mental checklist of steps to sex, and choking was one of them.

Well, I have to say this whole article makes no sense to me. I thought that this throat jamming stuff was obviously just contempt for and violence against women. I also assumed that any woman who actually wanted to engage in this had serious mental problems and bouts of extreme self-hate or were drug addicts who would

I’m against kink shaming and I read that and all I could think is “What the fuck is wrong with people?”. If you can’t peak without some sort of abuse, Imagined or realized, you exist in a place I’ve realized I can’t probably understand and I’ve come to happy terms with the fact that I don’t want to. I’ve had a lot of

I’m so tired of porn dictating what is supposed to good or hot for women.

Agreed. These videos are the opposite of sexy. And in real life, if my wife ever started gagging during oral, I’d be stopping immediately and asking if she was OK, and what happened? What went wrong, and how can we prevent that in the future.

Friend, masculinity does not exist except AS a construct of the patriarchy. Maleness is not masculinity. Maleness is a biological term (please, no one fight me about intersex, trans, etc.--I understand these are all real and existing and important, I’m making a quick point on Jezebel), but masculinity is entirely a


I’m not for censorship or morality police taking away porn or telling us what is or is not acceptable in our fantasies - but, on the other hand, it’s hard to not think that porn is doing major damage to more recent generations, and it will probably only get worse over time. Young people especially, spending more time

I’m not buying the idea that the growing obsession with deep throat has anything to do with a man’s need to visualize female orgasm or pleasure. Hilarious. You can’t tell me that this isn’t a direct reaction to women being more and more vocal about sexism, feminism, and our collective anger. Put a dick in her mouth

It’s like genx girls had to pretend to like Quentin Tarantino’s movies and millenial girls have to pretend to not mind BDSM. Of course Quentin turned out to be a creep and a creep enabler and of course most men who are into BDSM or other ‘kinks’ that involve degrading women are also creeps. That there are women who