
The republicans will burn the country to the ground just to own the libs. and their base will follow them into the flames..

The thing is, if you look at the numbers, Collins has at least 50k more votes than trump so there are at least 50k people who are reasonable enough to not vote trump but still unreasonable enough/attached enough to being republican to vote for Collins... who are these people?

I think this is simply a case of instead of being goodbye without leaving, it’s leaving without goodbye.

Yeah, nevermind that she grew up middle class in the midwest with a small business owner and homemaker as her parents. She is literally exactly what these people want in a childhood background, yet somehow she doesn’t fit the bill and isn’t “nice.” Hmmm... I wonder what could possibly be the reason for that. I wonder,

Which has been my frustration this year. As much as I would’ve given my right arm to watch Warren clean Trump’s clock... I’m now down to admitting that Biden *had* to be the nominee. Because the bottom line is that *somehow* (DESPITE all the handsiness!!!) he’s just so inoffensive.

Except she grew up middle-class just like Biden

The issue is with this part of the sentence “...I saw her as not a very nice person. I don’t know how to explain it.” You don’t see a lot of people talking about whether male candidates are “nice” or not.

Yes HRC’s base knows misogyny played a major role in her loss. It’s not as widely acknowledged as this article implies. Just because it’s exhausting does not mean it should not be called out and shamed. The patriarchy is systemic and pervasive. We shouldn’t weary of calling misogyny by its name. 

I don’t think Harris or Warren (or any of the prominent Democratic women candidates) could win the Presidency in 2020. I don’t know whether they can in 2024 either. There are plenty of women, too, who just ‘feel more comfortable’ with a man in the White House. It’s maddening.

Another Ohio voter, a retired steelworker named John Melody, put a finer point on it: “I thought the girl just wanted the job because she wanted to be the boss, that’s all,” he said.

Barrett said that her 10-year-old son, Liam, was so upset during the questioning portion of the hearing the day before that he had to leave.“

It blows my mind that half of these pieces of shit are still breathing, they're so goddamn corrupt. 

But Hillary’s emails! Benghazi! She’s not likable enough! She needs to inspire me! /s

Welp. 2016 fully came home to roost. This is why voting for one of the two candidates that will actually win matters.

Yep. Give lip service to banning abortion and they will let you do anything else you want.

Bush is still a monster that has killed way more people than Trump despite Trump’s best efforts. He was a more tasteful monster that at the time we thought was tasteless (which he is but compared to Trump...)

You know, paying a sex worker, and enjoying cuckoldry kink/fantasy — these are things that should just be “whatever”. They are arguably the least offensive things done by the individuals in question, yet they’re the things most damaging due to the amalgam of taboos they insist upon.

I was surprised, actually, at some of the sexual stuff in Fuller House, given her reputation as a fundamentalist christian. I mean, it’s all pretty low-key and the show is 100% family-friendly, but I was still surprised. My respect level for her actually ticked up a notch or two. I was half expecting some sort of

Remember back when we all thought W was the literal face of Satan? That America could and would sink no lower? Oh, what heady day those were! Such innocence... Clinton lied about a blowjob and then Baby Bush was all Texan and us on the left had just *stomps feet and crosses arms* had it! I just... yuh know, fuck

if the evangelicals think this is bad, wait til they find out their Chosen One slept with a porn star while his wife was recuperating from childbirth (and then paid her off), or that one of their “leaders” was a cuck who liked watching his wife get railed by the pool boy. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.