
From my perspective, Ms. has just essentially replaced Miss. I almost never see married women using Ms. I think most people assume Ms. is an abbreviation of Miss. When I tell people I’m Ms. and I’m married, they don’t get it. Everyone gets it wrong. Everyone.

Yep, in the process of moving to NYS from Texas and compared to the lunatics we have running the place here, NY seems like a dream. At least they can be influenced. Imagine having Ted Cruz as your senator.

Not really seeing how great of an impact this will have when Russia’s chosen puppet takes office in less than a month, and will reverse everything.

Except for Putin. Trump has consistently been a sycophant of Putin’s for years. Wonder why.

Just in time for us to be drafted for Dump’s new Secretary of Defense’s desired war in Iran. Well, they don’t take 35 year olds right?

Yeah I’m sure now that Trump is going to burn our country down, a beautiful socialist revolution is going to rise from the ashes, am I right Susan?

Yeah, so much better to go back to the way it was. Everyone loses their insurance, healthy people may be able to get something expensive and extra shitty, people with preexisting conditions can fuck off and die. Poor people can fuck off and die.

FUCK her, FUCK Gary Johnson, and FUCK all their idiot false equivalence supporters. I hope you’re happy, morons. “Voting your conscience” is going to turn out great when Trump crashes the economy, throws people off healthcare, and starts violating the constitution left and right.

My friend’s dad, who is a medical doctor, responded to a conservative newspaper’s endorsement(the only endorsement of a Democrat in decades) of Clinton with “Elitists.” Basically the newspapers are just the corrupt elites and that’s why they don’t want Trump to win. My eyes can’t role hard enough.

If conservatives vote for him, fine. But it drives me batty when liberals/Bernie supporters say they’re voting for him because Hillary is icky and emails and shit. UM HAVE YOU LOOKED AT HIS PLATFORM???

Only when it’s directed at people they hate. When it’s directed at them it’s soooo rude and inappropriate.

Yeah, I get my kids one new (summer) outfit for the first day of school and then we get new cool weather clothes in late October - November. It’s sooooo hot.

So my 5 year old just started Kindergarten. I was freaking out because after the 2nd day of school, you’re not allowed to walk them in. They have to walk to their classroom....alone. OMG! What if she gets lost? How will she be able to walk across this whole big school by herself?! Note-she was fine. We rehearsed the

I was 15. I was working the 7 am shift at the grocery store. It was Saturday. One of the customers started talking about it. I checked the newspapers and sure enough, there it was on the front page. I got up in the middle of the night to watch the funeral.

Dunno, I’m a suburban SAHM and this look is everywhere. I know some of these women personally—they DO work out and think it’s chic to wear workout gear all day. One of them even started a business selling high end, fashionable workout gear. I’m presuming they aren’t wearing it directly after working out though. I’m a

I’ve been wondering the same thing. It seems like she’s a professional troll just trying to be as offensive as possible. I expect her to announce on her deathbed that she’s been punking all of us and we fell for it.

yup :(

How do you get the blog to follow you? It just seems like casual commenters are screwed. We were sold this system to protect us from spammers, trolls, and porn bots but you can post legitimate things for years and never get ungreyed. So frustrating =/

I haven’t seen the documentary, but I read this most recent chat on the NY Post and it is so cringe worthy. What is wrong with this man? He is just so pathetic and can’t resist any woman who gives him attention.

I honestly don’t understand where this dick pic thing came from? Does anyone actually like this? Why did men start doing it? I don’t get it. Glad I’m old and married.