Do you do the laser on all of your pubic hair? This is my dream, but I will never have the $$$.
Do you do the laser on all of your pubic hair? This is my dream, but I will never have the $$$.
I also don’t understand why you have to go to an abortion clinic to get the pills for a medical abortion. It’s not a procedure, it’s a prescription. The actually process happens at home. OB/Gyns use the exact same drug to induce labor in full term pregnancies.
Ditto. I’m so glad my parents did not own guns when I was in high school. I don’t know if I actually would have done it, but there would have been a higher chance.
Yes, I can’t stand those whiny brats who think somehow it’s okay to let Trump win because Trump and Hillary aren’t that different. Um fucking NO.
I think Texas is pretty much hopeless no matter what (I live in Texas), but it just boggles the mind how states who ALWAYS vote blue in presidential elections have heinous Republican governors and state legislatures. And the reason is, because progressives do not pay attention to state and local elections. Wake up…
I have to say, Sam Bee is the best thing to come out of the Daily Show. Her show is so good. I love her.
Unfortunately one of my senators is Ted Cruz. And I’m surrounded by gun nuts who think they need a huge arsenal because omg they might get burglarized.
I’ve been vegetarian for almost 20 years and I hate them so much. Somehow everyone has gotten the idea that veg = sanctimonious because of these assholes. I just want to eat my food in peace.
Here’s a photo of the area. It’s pretty clear that out of state tourists might not understand that being near this water is dangerous
This is what it looks like. Disney has done a really poor job keeping people away from dangerous water by setting up an inviting sand beach that borders it, and inadequate signage warning of the possibility of alligators.
I have a 2 year old boy and we just got back from Disneyland. My heart breaks for this family.
Yes. Here’s a photo. If those waters are really dangerous, Disney has a poor way of demonstrating it by putting an inviting, man made sand beach right up against them.
In theory, if someone has to be drafted, I’m okay with it being equal opportunity, but hopefully there are still physical requirements that must be met for combat roles. I mean, I’m too old to be drafted at this point, but I know I’d have been absolute shit at combat. Some women can handle those kinds of roles, and…
My daughter is the same way. She’s 5. This is not a phase. It hurts my feelings but dad is the more “fun” parent and she doesn’t get to see him as often since I stay home and he works full time. So she really treasures that little bit of time they have together. But year, it hurts.
Usually, although in Texas, so many clinics have closed thanks to idiotic new laws, it’s taking at least month to get an appointment for an abortion. So a lot more second trimester abortions are happening here than did before.
I fucking loved when we moved and each bedroom had its own bathroom so I did not have to deal with my brother’s constant peeing all over the seat and floor. Plus not having to fight over the shower. It was nice. I mean, not strictly necessary, but nice.
The same thing happened to us. Nothing like the alarm going off at 3 am and running on pure adrenaline into your baby’s room, to discover it was a false alarm. I didn’t even use it with my second.
The answer is VASECTOMY! Seriously men, man up. Your procedure is safer, easier, cheaper, and has fewer side effects.
A job offer for a more liberal state? That’s all I really get the fuck out of here.
This bill is unlikely to pass in Illinois. You’re better off there. I live in Texas, where I’m sure our legislators will see this and try to mimic it when they are next in session, and it will sail through because 75% of the politicians in my state are fucking batshit.