
It's possible some of those parents went straight to mac n cheese without trying vegetables first. But the majority probably don't really want to make a separate dinner but have just given up with the constant food battles. It's easy for those without children, or those who are fortunate enough to have children who

Scheduled c-sections are typically performed between 39 and 40 weeks. Most hospitals do not allow them before 39 weeks without a medical indication. Babies born between 39 and 40 weeks do not have problems related to prematurity. With modern technology, dating is accurate enough that a baby born by scheduled

From my experience it is usually the neck issues (torticollis) that cause the flattening in the first place. My daughter was born with torticollis, which combined with back sleeping, lead to plagiocephaly. The plagio was much easier to correct than the torticollis. She continues to have problems with head tilt.

I love the cute, gender neutral clothes. But honestly, the comprehensive medical care would make a far bigger difference for me. It costs me thousands in medical bills to have a baby. Clothes and a crib are a drop in the bucket.

Why doesn't anyone care about this? As an agnostic who will not be raising my son with religion, I find it really disheartening that all my friends are cheering on the BSA and saying they will no longer boycott because they've stopped discriminating against gays. But apparently no one gives a fuck if they

I actually have the same problem. New relationship sex is exciting. Illicit sex is exciting. Obligatory sex with your spouse is not exciting.

I have often thought the same myself. I have a lower sex drive, yet why am I the only one who is considered a problem? High sex drive is generally never considered a problem unless it leads to dangerous behavior. At this point in my life, the only thing that bothers me about my low sex drive is the fear that my

Yes they estimate size by ultrasound, although these estimates can be off a pound or two in either direction. However, a lot of low risk women don't get sizing ultrasounds late in pregnancy, particularly in the UK. If you are low risk you tend to get an anatomy scan around 20 weeks and if everything looks good,

I'm Italian with almost black hair, brown eyes, and olive skin, and when I was a kid there were few doll options available besides blonde, blue eyed, peaches and cream Caucasian and African American. Almost every doll I owned was the blonde, blue eyed version. I did not own a single African American doll or any

I know a dietician who says the same thing. Essentially whole milk is more filling, digests slower, and keeps you full longer. Small children also need more fat than adults. That's why this whole "ZOMG fat kids, let's stop giving toddlers whole milk" trend, is so ridiculous to me.

From my experience most people treat money loaned to them as a gift anyway. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is.

So freaking true.

The simple answer is it's the past of least resistance. And yes, every woman has a reason for doing it, but it's no coincidence that 90% of women end up doing it. I'm really stubborn and I *hate* being told what to do, especially being told what I must or can't do because I'm a woman. So I was determined to keep my

I kept my name and I still get a few cards a year addressed this way. It's infuriating.

I'm not "taking" my father's name. I'm keeping the only name I've had my whole life, the name everyone knows me as, the name I've earned my degrees in.

Honestly, I haven't noticed any thrusting differences whatsoever, but oral sex is 10000 times better with a cut dick. My husband is uncircumcised and I really wish he wasn't but not much I can do about it now. I'm afraid if I try to talk him into getting it done he'll resent me. It definitely looks different even